Saturday, November 30, 2024

Harimohan and his grudges vs. Civilization and its Discontents

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

6 days ago — Darshan in Sanskrit means seeing. It refers here to seeing Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and to receive their blessings.
After a great success of "Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn" the hand-painted animation film by Sri Aurobindo Society (watch it here: ) ...
3 days ago — Overman Foundation · “Immortality Day” — Some Light on a Little-Known Event in the Ashram's Spiritual History by Amal Kiran (K.D. · Maggi Lidchi-Grassi: The ...
Sri Aurobindo the Spiritual guru, the poet, the nationalist. No views · 8 minutes ago #poet #nation #spirituality ...more. TheIndicPen with Lipika Bhushan. 983.
4 days ago — Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Delhi branch has published few podcasts in Tara didi's voice. This is for meditation and to get immersed into Higher Consciousness. Page ...
7 days ago — Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry 1918-20 · Hindi · Russian · French.
3 days ago — A beautiful Audio on Sri Aurobindo and The Mother written by Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya of Sri Aurobindo Ashram
3 days ago — As to philosophy I agree. Sri Aurobindo did not want to be in the rank of philosophers anyways. Besides to call a Yogi philosopher or thinker is to indeed ...
7 days ago — Daily Ecstasy News: Sri Aurobindo's philosophy reinterprets the Upanishadic tradition, proposing a 'triple transformation' of consciousness.
4 days ago — We operate on multiple levels at the same time. There is the external level comprised of actual physical, vital and mental actions we undertake.
5 days ago — Listen to discovery playlists featuring Chiro Biplob Sri Aurobindo by Arundhati Roychoudhury on desktop and mobile.
7 days ago — The Mother's Luminous Gaze. The Mother: 'This gaze is the gaze of the Supreme... From this look emanates the joy of existence, the power of manifestation.. the ...
Join them at Sri Aurobindo Dhama for a 2-day retreat on the theme "Yoga in Everyday Life"
23 hours ago — ... Rabindranath Tagore, Subhadra Kumari Chauhan. Sri Aurobindo. Amir Suhail Wani ... Sri Aurobindo, a philosopher, poet, and spiritual leader ...
Produced by the Art Studio " 12 Qualities", Text: poem "Evolution" by Sri Aurobindo, quotes of The ...
5 days ago — ... Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, as well as the unique model of Auroville. The Auroville stall became a hub of attraction for Vice-Chancellors, Directors, and ...
2 days ago — Discover 15 quotes by Sri Aurobindo that inspire wisdom, harmony, and spiritual growth, guiding you toward higher realms of understanding.

In the Mother's play "The Great Secret", 6 elites find themselves in a life-boat in a crisis situation, & each one tells how their ideals remained unfulfilled..

Finally an unknown man in the boat tells them about the Divine reality:

In the Mother's play "Towards the Future", the protagonist & her poet husband both mention the inevitable great future of humanity,  while not disregarding the suffering & weakness of the present..

Here is how the poet describes it:

In Sri Aurobindo's poem "Ahana", the aspiring powers of humanity invoke the presence of Ahana, the Dawn of God..

Here the Voices ask Her to come to their spaces and dispel the notion that humanity can't be divinized,

and She agrees:

In Sri Aurobindo's poem "The Meditations of Mandavya", the Rishi is trying to reconcile the Divine existence with the existence of Suffering & Evil..

Here is what he contemplates about this tendency of negating the Divine presence:

In Sri Aurobindo's Bengali Story "Swapna" (A Dream), Sri Krishna playfully resolves all the grudges of his poor devotee Harimohan.

Here He reveals the secret of soul's journey, & invites Harimohan to be His playmate post liberation:

In Sri Aurobindo's poem "Urvasie", the great nymph Urvasie first comes down from heaven to earth to King Pururavus, & then leaves due to a peculiar curse by sage Bharuth..

Pururavus proclaims to fight Fate & goes in search of her:

In Sri Aurobindo's play "Vasavadutta", King Vuthsa of Cowsamby & the princess of Avunthy, Vasavadutta, fall in love with each other..

Here Vasavadutta realizes the fullness of her love for him, turning from desire to an aspiration:… 

In Sri Aurobindo's poem "Love & Death", Ruru quests into the afterlife to resurrect his beloved bride Priyumvada who was killed by snake-bite..

Here he proclaims the depth of his love to Kamadeva who asked him to forget Priyumvada: 

[Linking death with marriage: Seeing death through a different lens
R Singh - Culture & Psychology, 2024 - Although there is no apparent relation between death and marriage, the discourse of death connotes certain overtones of marriage... entails the culturally shared patterns of interpretation.]

3 days ago — He joined the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Puducherry after a brief time working as a lecturer at Christ College (Cuttack). He also served as an English literature ...
1 day ago — Savitri is Sri Aurobindo's major poetic work, an epic in blank verse. In Savitri, a legend from the Mahabharata becomes the symbol of the human soul's ...
13 hours ago — Gita app based on Sri Aurobindo's commentary: Android:

[PDF] Re-thinking Sri Aurobindo: from Nationalism to Internationalism

D Samaddar, G Ghosal - Creative Flight, 2024
… This paper, therefore, seeks to highlight this voyage of Sri Aurobindo within the timeframe of 1893-1910. … demonstrates that Sri Aurobindo did not advocate for Hinduism. Though there was a discernible spiritual dimension in his conception of …

[PDF] Philosophical Underpinnings of India's National Education Policy

AR Nair
… Education Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo … Educational Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Ghosh. https://wellpress. in/rrssh/Download/jul-sep-2017/EDUCATIONAL% 20PHILOSOPHY% 20 OF% 20SRI% 20AUROBINDO% 20GHOSH% 20-% 20Alka% …

The Myth of the Theons

P Heehs - Aries, 2024
… One person who discovered the Revue Cosmique in 1904 was Mirra Alfassa, a young Paris-born artist who toward the end of that year met Louis ThĂ©manlys, … The Mother (Mirra Alfassa) believed that theTheons were master occultists … Years later, after she had become the Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, she related some anecdotes about theTheons to students of the Ashram school and to a close disciple.These stories first appeared in print in collections of talks published …

[HTML] Nations in the Empire. The Many Faces of Indian Nationalism: Proceedings of the International Conference held in Naples, Federico II University–Department of …

M Griffo, D Maiorano, T Tagliaferri - 2024
Questo volume raccoglie gli atti di un convegno di studi tenutosi all’UniversitĂ  di Napoli Federico II nell’ambito delle iniziative scientifiche del PRIN 2022 “Myths of Legitimations and Government of Difference in the European Imperial Regimes …

India's Cultural Diplomacy: Decoding India's Soft Power Potential in the 21st Century

S Ghosh - 75 Years of India's Foreign Policy: Bilateral …, 2024
In recent times, the concept of soft power is the most frequently used in the field of International Relations and most frequently misused. Ever since Joseph Nye coined the term, it has almost become rather obligatory to use it. It can be compared to a …

[HTML] Jyotirao Phule

JG Phule
His work extended to many fields, including eradication of untouchability and the caste system and for his efforts in educating women and oppressed caste people.[5] He and his wife, Savitribai Phule, were pioneers of women's education in India.[5][6] …

Shaiva Traditions of Southern India: Tamil Shaivism and Shaiva Siddhanta

MA Gollner - Handbook of Indian History, 2024
This chapter provides an overview of the history of Shaiva traditions of southern India, particularly Tamil Shaivism and Shaiva Siddhanta, beginning with the earliest evidence in Vedic and Tamil Sangam sources. The chapter shows how Tamil …

[HTML] Who is a VEDIC PSYCHOLOGIST and Modern Mental Health

SP Paturi
In the tapestry of human existence, where the threads of the mind, body, and soul intertwine, a Vedic psychologist emerges as a weaver of ancient wisdom and contemporary knowledge. This unique breed of mental health practitioners …


O ZEYBEK - Scientific Approaches in Landscape Architecture 2024, 2024
… In these forums, environmentalists from different countries, those who experienced commune life or a return to nature (ecovillage residents from the ecovillages Findhorn, Auroville, Solheimar), and participants in the 1968 student …

[HTML] Stories By Map

A Kothari
The multiple crises humanity confronts require fundamental shifts in how we relate to the Earth and to each other. This entails tackling the roots of these crises head-on, including the structures and relations of patriarchy, racism, colonialism, capitalism …

Homeless in Gujarat and India: On the Curious Love of lndulal Yagnik

A Skaria - Decolonial Travel, 2024
… In choosing celibacy, Yagnik was acting within a long-standing nationalist tradition: recall, for instance, Aurobindo’s famous call to youth to dedicate their lives to the nation. And less than two years after Yagnik chose celibacy for a second time …

[PDF] Guiding Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in the Classroom with Textbooks

S Chaudhary, P Gopal - Library Progress International, 2024
This paper explores the role of textbooks in guiding Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (CRP) in Indian classrooms, with an emphasis on NEP 2020's objectives for inclusive and holistic education. When textbooks become the agents driving …

[PDF] University Library Spaces: How Ancient Indian Wisdom is Reflected in Modern Library Design

P Gopal, S Chaudhary - Library Progress International, 2024
Library spaces are redefining themselves. Learning is becoming ubiquitous. With the rise of the internet and artificial intelligence learning opportunities are continually breaking the barriers of access, equity and language. Yet, the physical library …

A Living Legacy: The Continuing

JD Long - Handbook of Indian History
This chapter will explore the background, life, and teachings of Swami Vivekananda and trace his continuing influence in the Western world. Whether it is in the existence of Vedanta Societies in just about every major American city, the presence … Again, outside the Vedanta Society and Ramakrishna Mission which he instituted, his influence in this regard has probably been felt most deeply through the work of Sri Aurobindo, who explicitly attributes his own profound yogic transformation to a …

[PDF] Philosophical Insights of Yagya from Srimad Bhagavad Gita

PK Mandal - Interdisciplinary Journal of Yagya Research, 2024
Yagya, a cornerstone of Indian culture, is deeply embedded in the Vedic philosophy and rituals that have evolved over time. Initially simple domestic practices, these rituals became complex ceremonial sacrifices, reflecting their importance in …

[PDF] Ashwamedha Yagya: A Medium for Nation-Building and Cultural Unity

IP Singh, S Biyala - Interdisciplinary Journal of Yagya Research, 2024
… Through insights from historical texts and interpretations by scholars like Sri Aurobindo and … In his work ”The Secret of the Vedas,” Sri Aurobindo offers a detailed commentary on the … In his commentary on the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad …

[PDF] Enhancing Yoga Awareness Among Future Healthcare Practitioners: A Study on MBBS Students' Knowledge and Perceptions

G Dayanidy, P Nilachal, AB Meena Ramanathan
… Furthermore, the visionary thinker Sri Aurobindo profoundly asserts that "All life is Yoga," conveying the all-encompassing and integrative essence of this timeless practice.These profound perspectives highlight the enduring significance of yoga …