Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Sri Aurobindo left very few practical instructions

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum (2005), Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006), and President, Savitri Era Party

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A gifted and prolific writer, Aurobindo tended to lay out his thought systematically, relying more often on philosophic discourse that on mystical revelations. Exceptions to this are his poetic works, as well as and his writings about the Mother (I discuss some of these in Chapter 4). Aurobindo’s long poem Savitri, for example, is widely taken by devotees to refer to the ‘descent’ and realization of the Mother and to describe both the yogic experiences of higher states of consciousness as well as to give an account of metaphysical Truth or Reality.

A few words about practice are in order, given the privileged position of experience in both Alfassa’s and Aurobindo’s writings and claims to communicate spiritual truths. Paradoxically, somewhat, this emphasis on experience did not give rise to a formal system of yogic practice, as one might have expected. 

(By “formal” I mean any specific styles or forms of bodily work, meditation, mantra, etc., that may be associated with IY; there were, of course, various concertation practices prescribed on an individual basis or as in-person instruction, and I discuss some of these in the next chapter.)

For one engaged in yogic sadhana for some fifty years of his life, Aurobindo left very few practical instructions in his writings.492 Instead, in his spiritual guidance to Ashram members he repeatedly reiterates “opening up” to the Mother, having faith in her aid, letting her “work” in the sadhak’s psyche, etc.493

Alfassa, similarly, did not appear to instruct her devotees in specific yogic techniques, save for the emphasis on silence and meditation.495

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As Founder of the Savitri Era Religion (2006), I have been demanding handing over of Auroville administration to the devotees. Neither the Govt. nor the residents are the rightful owners of Auroville. All right-thinking people should lend their support to this legitimate demand.
If a section of the population is devoted to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo and regards them as the one Supreme Divine, then no one should have any objection. Periodical pilgrimage to Puducherry is a known phenomenon. But there's reluctance to give it the recognition of new religion.
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Both The Mother & Sri Aurobindo relied upon group activity for philosophical or spiritual endeavour. it's difficult to gauge their success and hence imprecise to judge their effect. No doubt they stir the collective consciousness and impress onlookers in the manner of a spectacle
It's easy to make people feel inferior by invoking spiritual experience. But I Have noticed that some who flaunt their experience are not well-read and harbour very narrow mentality. Being a devotee is primary but adequate reading is necessary for examining what is right or wrong
If we look at a century back the kind of intellectual muddle and scientific infancy surprises us. Today we are in a secure position and much more level-headed. It also dawns on us that mere scientific exploration won't provide the secret of the universe. Some philosophy is needed
Plain & Simple: Integral postmodernism plasim.blogspot.com/2022/10/integr Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956) Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum (2005) Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006) President, Savitri Era Party Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.