Monday, July 03, 2023

Savitri Era Religion saves from the ill-effects of customs and traditions

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum (2005), Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006), and President, Savitri Era Party (2007). Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

19 hours ago — Here, what Sri Aurobindo calls the soul is the Divine Presence in each one of us; and the certitude of this constant Presence within us will alleviate all ...
11 hours ago — Thus we have her capital pronouncement: “As soon as Sri Aurobindo withdrew from his body, what he has called the Mind of Light got realised in me,” which ...
5 hours ago — This is the first talk of a series on 'The Life Divine' written by Sri Aurobindo. The questions asked were: 1. Truth in its totality. 2. Plant medicine.
Renaissance journal (, Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry & Sri Aurobindo Integral Life Center (SAILC), Auro University, ...
YouTube · Sri Aurobindo Society · 14 hours ago
20 hours ago — All four of these traditions are the vessels for what Sri Aurobindo describes in part 1 of this article as “the thoughts, the literature, the philosophy, ...
5 hours ago — Nehru's own contemporaries like Sri Aurobindo and Sri Radha Kumud Mukherjee have written in detail about our national ethos quoting profusely from history.
4 hours ago — Sri Aurobindo Society | Vedic Chanting: Intangible Cultural Heritage, ... On the occasion of the Celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo.
Reading the books of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo gives a firm impression that they are against founding a new religion and favour spirituality instead. Most devotees and followers are quite comfortable with this well-known position which facilitates keeping link with their own religion.
Practice side on the contrary demonstrates much religious behaviour and regular observance of special days throughout the year. Aloofness from older religions also is encouraged resulting in exclusive obeisance to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. This, no doubt, marks a new religion.
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Accepting this reality has not been possible till now although I launched the Savitri Era Religion way back in 2006. Supreme Court verdict in Auroville case, 1982 proved to be a dampener. In the absence of any legal status as a new religion faith is not passed to the next generation.
Despite possessing the best possible knowledge base and modern modes of practice, the legacy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is suffering from serious handicaps. No institutional mechanism is in place for propagation of their vision for the future. Ideological confusions persist too
Sri Aurobindo himself was an outstanding politician and has written extensively on political theory. Current political streams in India have their own histories and distinct ideologies. Some try to appropriate Sri Aurobindo for their political masters. This is patently anomalous.
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Two factions are at loggerheads in Auroville and the ownership question is out in the open. Savitri Era Party holds that Auroville and Matrimandir belong to the devotees as a whole and hence should be handed over to them. Recognising it as a new religion is also part of the deal.
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo met each other for the first time on March 29, 1914 and a new religion was born. I have named it as Savitri Era Religion and been demanding govt. recognition since 2006. Also, handing over the administration of Matrimandir and Auroville to the devotees.
Savitri Era Religion is different with both The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine. It has no fixed rituals or any system of initiation. Just consenting to be a child in the hands of The Mother is enough. Not to worship other gods and goddesses is evidently required
Modi supporters among the followers of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo use every occasion to portray them as a part of the Hindu religion. It's a wrong characterisation and self-delusion. Savitri Era Religion needs to be recognised by the govt. and Auroville returned to the devotees.
There is no gainsaying the fact that The Mother's running of the Ashram was almost autocratic. But that authority flowed from Sri Aurobindo's assent and disciples' consent. Savitri Era Religion revolves around the incredible story of her transition from a guest to Supreme Divine.
Sri Aurobindo has given the Vedic interpretation of castes but that doesn't alter the ground situation as long as the mythological basis of religion lasts. No amount of social justice can help. Savitri Era Religion saves from such social ills perpetrated by customs and tradition.
Embracing Savitri Era Religion is the best solution for the victims of the caste system and such other superstitions. Govt. recognition for our new religion can go a long way in ameliorating the plight of various sections of the society by providing a valid option. #SriAurobindo
A section among the followers of Sri Aurobindo tries hard to retain its affiliation to the Hindu religion while another prefers the Spiritual but not religious way. I launched the Savitri Era Religion in 2006 to end this confusion and ambivalence. They are the one Supreme Divine.
Today is The Mother's birthday. Arguably, the most important day for Savitri Era Religion. Sri Aurobindo's birthday on August 15 gets diffused due to Independence Day. But today, it's focussed. Also marks a change of season in the North. No more woollens, sort of a New Year's Day.
Devotees have direct relationship with The Mother & Sri Aurobindo who are worshipped as the one Supreme Divine. Thus, there's no system of any priests in Savitri Era Religion. Further, there's no prescribed mantra or any ritual. Each follower is free to choose his method of yoga.
Savitri Era Party, opposed to AAP, BJP, and Congress, seeks to establish a modern and democratic political culture as conceived by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Savitri Era Religion, similarly, aims at freeing people's minds from the clutch of mythology, rituals, and superstitions.
I can't claim my viewpoint to be authentic but the perspectives of a handful of eminent followers of Sri Aurobindo addicted to Hindutva are too adulterated. They flourish with official patronage but my views stand on merit. Savitri Era Religion and Savitri Era Party will triumph.
Savitri Era Religion is based on devotion towards The Mother & Sri Aurobindo but some amount of reading of their books is also necessary. There are many scholars and admirers but they are not devotees. Further, not participating in any other religious activities is also mandatory
Due to aggressive posturing by the RSS-BJP supporters and myriad controversies, most Hindus now feel reluctant to be identified by the term Hindu. Many followers of Ambedkar also feel suffocated in Buddhism. Savitri Era Religion dedicated to Sri Aurobindo provides a safe shelter.
Being the Founder of Savitri Era Religion since 2006, I respect no other religion in consonance with Sri Aurobindo's prediction but tolerate them in terms of the Indian Constitution. I consider all religions as superstition and concocted history which provide social entertainment.
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CP is right about Sri Aurobindo since the latter doesn't support the current form of rituals-based Hinduism. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are worshipped as the one Supreme Divine in the Savitri Era Religion and not any other gods or goddesses.
In the absence of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, the book Savitri fills the vacuum and occupies the central place for the devotees. All know the story and it's a long poem on the theme but is much more. That death can be conquered one day is the basic message of Savitri Era Religion.
Some handles are not happy about temples and rituals but have no clue as to what's the right course. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo come to the rescue in such a situation. Worshipping them is the basis of Savitri Era Religion. For that, they don't lay down any particular prescription.
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are worshipped as the one Supreme Divine in Savitri Era Religion. Their philosophy and vision are deemed as the final truth. No other tradition or modern guru stands comparison. For academic purposes, however, critical scrutiny cannot be overemphasized,
Savitri Era Religion is tailored for the modern world. Science, philosophy, religion, and New Age have lost their sheen. Politics holds no definite promise either. Devotion and surrender to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, on the other hand, has that futuristic and evolutionary appeal.
Opposition unity is in the news again but what they are going to offer? No new ideology or political vision. Savitri Era Religion is modelled on the lines of Semitic religions and is supposed to replace them gradually. Whoever supports this evolutionary necessity will be winner.
The history of the evolution of Savitri Era Religion has many clues to its Integral nature as well as metaphysical preeminence. But the challenge is the future and how the current geopolitical equations can provide a fertile ground for sowing the seeds of harmony and human unity.
Different religions have faced immense resistance in the past and the course of Savitri Era Religion won't be any different. The grace of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo and the evolutionary pressure, however, will always be there. Those collaborating for its growth will be rewarded.
That civil code matters and other sociological issues are still debated is a failure of modernity. It's a matter of regret that the Constitution of India harbours many regressive tendencies. Savitri Era Religion aims at overhauling of social and political attitudes for harmony.
The desire for keeping the future events tied neatly to different nationalities and cultures is normal but the evolutionary process has a proclivity for overlaps. The Integral ethos of Savitri Era Religion is very much in keeping with this prospect of encompassing the whole world
The past seeks to endure and The Mother & Sri Aurobindo urge us to fight it. Savitri Era Religion is the correct template for redesigning our lives and attitudes including economic matters and consumption. All current socioeconomic models are failures and need urgent overhaul.
Although, The Mother & Sri Aurobindo founded an Ashram for a special purpose, they were firm that spirituality is not monasticism. Their concept of the life divine was sought to be attempted in the dream of Auroville. Savitri Era Religion is a more wider avenue for dissemination.
The future is the focus of Savitri Era Religion when current political borders may not matter much. Technology and commerce have made the world connected and this evolutionary process will grow. The Integral philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo will be a universal religion.
Writings of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are only a small fraction of their vastness. What they did during their brief lives also amounts to very little since they are infinite and eternal. Savitri Era Religion is about seeking their grace by worshipping as the one Supreme Divine.
As no other religion or philosophy gives a satisfying explanation of the mystery of the world, Savitri Era Religion relies upon the comprehensive wisdom and Divine manifestation of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Their collected works span over seventy volumes
Sri Aurobindo is the greatest philosopher of the world. He is the greatest poet as well. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine. Savitri Era Religion is the most modern and futuristic faith of the world. It has no method of initiation or fixed system of practice.
Many people look at religion condescendingly while spirituality or yoga is considered superior. Actually, it's a question of nomenclature and one has to progress from where he or she is. Savitri Era Religion obviates such a dichotomy and seeks legal recognition for the fraternity.
Sri Aurobindo predicted about a religion of humanity and hence Savitri Era Religion is likely to replace all existing religions. He started writing in 1893 and the world has seen enormous changes during the last 130 years. Rational and honest debates can lift him to the very top.
Most people are unaware of the famous Auroville Case. While the majority judgement disallowed a separate religion status, the lone dissenting judgement of Justice O. Chinnappa Reddy gave a detailed justification for the devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo being a new religion.
Following The Mother & Sri Aurobindo entails faith, devotion, and loyalty to them. Interaction with other religions or paths or trying to synthesise them is better avoided. The world is full of distractions; task is to steer clear of them and collaborate with evolutionary forces.
Savitri Era Political Action: The hard work is in the middle Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Director, SELF (2005), Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006), & President, Savitri Era Party (2007) Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

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