Monday, June 20, 2011

The Life Divine, in status, is a veritable Veda

The Life Divine - By Dr. Soumitra Basu
The Life Divine, the magnum opus of Sri Aurobindo is the agenda of the New Age, the log book of the trajectory of Consciousness that aims to manifest the Highest Truth in its totality of Knowledge and Power in the present world of imperfection and chaos.
The Life Divine, Sri Aurobindo's magnum opus and His blue-print for the human race is one of the most serious world-literature to study, deduce implications in life, yoga as well as in applied research. In status, it is a veritable Veda, a consummation of the human spiritual quest impregnated with the potentiality of the future.
MIRRAVISION TRUST is named after Mirra Alfassa, the Mother of Sri Aurobindo’s Ashram, Pondicherry who is the executrix of Sri Aurobindo’s vision as well as his spiritual collaborator in the new evolutionary world of manifesting future models of human being. Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry has graciously allowed MIRRAVISION TRUST to use as a logo for the Institute for Integral Yoga Psychology, an emblem (a modified Sri Aurobindo’s symbol) designed by the Mother Herself and given to Dr. A.S. Dalal for a new defunct center in East Africa.
The Caste System Of India - An Aurobindonian Perspective - Dr. Soumitra Basu
Mirravision food and herbals is a food-unit manufacturing healthy farm-based  food  products (jams,  pickles , vegetable  sauces)   whose  profits  will  support  Mirravision Trust (the sponsor of Institute for Integral Yoga Psychology)
Thus Sri Aurobindo succinctly defines the consistent thread that runs through the increasing complexity and intensity of evolved beings in the manifested ...
All life is Yoga. – Sri Aurobindo ... Sri Aurobindo Link: … Astrology and Horoscope - Sri Aurobindo's letter t. ...
Savitri Era: Six years of Savitri Era Learning Forum From Joy Roy Choudhury date 17 June 2011 22:32
I said that your inititative Savitri Era Learning Forum has become a very successful referral site for all Sri Aurobindo and Divine Mother followers. We pray so we may continue the good work.
We all play our part in the world, as part of our offering to the Divine.
But Sri Aurobindo must have had the experience [of cellular expansion], because he said positively that it COULD be done. The question, of course, ...
In 1913, learning that Sri Aurobindo in self imposed exile in ... Sri Aurobindo agreed to translate the poems of CR Das into English and ...
Gandhi Aurobindo and Radhakrishnan on Bhagavadgita by Susmit Pani ...
Sri Aurobindo, Gandhi and Radhakrishnan have been chosen as representative ... Sri Aurobindo was associated with the extremist wing of Indian nationalists.
The Yoga Life – The Lives of Sri Aurobindo
The Lives of Sri Aurobindo List Price: $55.00 List Price: $55.00 Your Price: $45.10- Since his death in 1950, Sri Aurobindo Ghose has been known primarily ...
Note the following words—“presumably”, “does not seem”, “seems to have”, “may have”, “would have”. Is this history or guesswork?
Education which is based on the Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. It is situated at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram campus in New Delhi.
Auronet Monday 20 Jun
Class / 2011-06-20 10:30 Class for children
Class / 2011-06-20 16:00 Reading Savitri at Savitri Bhavan
Class / 2011-06-20 18:00 On The Mother at Savitri Bhavan

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