A focus on landscapes Canada.com First of the summer exhibits at Comox Valley Art Gallery open tonight with artists BY ANH LE, CURATOR, SPECIAL TO COMOX VALLEY ECHO JUNE 10, 2011 12:00 AM
Born in Saskatoon , Megan spent much of her childhood in Auroville , India and eventually moved to Vancouver to attend the University of British Columbia ...
Dante, a poet for all seasons New Statesman - A N Wilson Published 09 June 2011 Those who have yet to read the Divine Comedy are missing out on one of life's great aesthetic and intellectual experiences.
Yet Dante was the greatest poet of the Middle Ages. It could be argued that he was the greatest of all European poets, of any time or place. But while most non-Italian readers are prepared to take this on trust, they sidestep his work, making him one of the great unreads. In so doing, they leave unsavoured one of the greatest aesthetic, imaginative, emotional and intellectual experiences on offer.
They are like those who have never attended a performance of Mozart's Don Giovanni, or of Shakespeare's Lear; who have never heard a symphony by Beethoven or visited Paris . Quite simply, they are missing out. A N Wilson 's "Dante In Love" is published by Atlantic Books on 1 June (£25) [Dante and Sri Aurobindo: A Comparative Study of the Divine Comedy and Savitri
Prema Nandakumar PATTERNS OF THE PRESENT:From the Perspective of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother by Georges Van Vrekhem
One of the last, Sri Aurobindo could say: "These hollow worm-eaten outsides of Hinduism crumbling so sluggishly, so fatally to some sudden and astonishing ... [Philosophy of Death and Dying
M. V. Kamath ]
Raghavendra K. R. - 12:01 PM - Buzz - Public
The discords of the worlds are God's discords and it is only by accepting and proceeding through them that we can arrive at the greater concords of his supreme harmony. Sri Aurobindo Essays on Gita
Debunking Krishna, Demonizing Hinduism (30) S.Ghosh on Nov-12:
Debunking Krishna, Demonizing Hinduism (30) S.Ghosh on Nov-12:
On July 23, 1923, Sri Aurobindo said, "Purification can come by the transformation of the impulse of violence. In that respect the old system in India was much better: the man who had the fighting spirit became the Kshatriya and then the fighting spirit was raised above the ordinary vital influence. The attempt was to spiritualize it. It succeeded in doing what passive resistance cannot and will not achieve. The Kshatriya was the man who would not allow any oppression, who would fight it out and he was the man who would not oppress anybody. That was the ideal. Gandhi"s position is that he does not care to remove violence from others; he wants to observe non-violence himself."
Not in the Mahatma's name Indian Express - Tridip Suhrud: Thu Jun 09 2011 A day before the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, Tagore warned Gandhi and through him the nation: “Power in all its forms is irrational.” …
If there was anyone in the country who was aware and alive to the deep moral significance of Gandhi’s presence, it was Tagore, and despite this he remained suspicious and ambivalent towards the practice of mass politics. He, like Gandhi, was aware that Satyagraha was not and can never be a mere technique, an instrumentality. Both regarded instrumentality in politics and public life as amoral if not inherently immoral. The writer is an Ahmedabad-based social scientist [Gandhi: A Sublime Failure
S. S. Gill 2005]
He is one of the foremost poets of Sri Aurobindo Ashram whose works were... A linguist and the recipient of the prestigious 'Sri Aurobindo Puraskar', ...
Comment on Significance of places of worship, relics and prayer rooms from Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother by Tusar N. Mohapatra: June 9, 2011 at 12:18 pm
Dr. Mangesh Nadkarni’s reply to Ameeta Mehra (Gnostic Centre) regarding the impact of Relics on the larger collective atmosphere, 31 May 2007:
Idol worship is not an idle ritual! Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda, The Economic Times, Thursday, June 28, 2007:
Idol worship is not an idle ritual! Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda, The Economic Times, Thursday, June 28, 2007:
Comment by Sandeep: Aha, your first comment on my blog. Mangesh Nadkarni’s remarks are eloquent and erudite as expected.
Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. ... Sri Aurobindo: A Contemporary Reader
Edited by Sachidananda Mohanty, Routledge India , ...
Auronet Friday 10 Jun
Class /2011-06-10 10:00 New Facilities for Individual Study at Savitri Bhavan
Class /2011-06-10 10:30 Class for children
Class /2011-06-10 15:00 Cultivating Concentration at Savitri Bhavan
Cinema /2011-06-10 16:08 HERE AFTER
Class /2011-06-10 17:00 The Synthesis of Yoga and The Supramental Manifestation on Earth at Savitri Bhavan
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