Thursday, January 07, 2010

Our will becomes aligned with the will of the Supreme

January 7 - 18 (except Saturday) at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Culture, 3 Regent Park; 4 pm - 8 pm: Le Mere Annual 2010, a group show of drawings and ...
This article continues the previous post on the Illusion of Free will. Free will, as we commonly understand it, is an illusion because the personality which drives our will is fixed and makes predictable decisions. Furthermore, we are unaware of the invisible Forces of Nature (Prakriti) which impinge on our consciousness and compel us to act in pre-determined fashion. It is only when we expand in consciousness and gradually unite with the Divine through Yoga that we begin to experience the true nature of free will, for then our will becomes aligned with the will of the Supreme. True freedom comes with True Knowledge.
This is the message of integrality given to us by Sri Aurobindo, .... Sri Aurobindo has a chapter in 'The Life Divine' called 'Methods of Vedantic ...
Sri Aurobindo put it this way; "Look up, O child of the ancient Yoga, and be no longer a trembler and a doubter; fear not, doubt not, grieve not; ...
Yoga is nothing but practical Psychology...Sri Aurobindo, Login Register. Recent papers in category Science. Climate Justice and its hidden Instructions ...
30 Dec 2009 by Swaminathan
We focus on the thought of Sri Aurobindo, which we believe is extremely relevant to the modern world as it struggles to find its future and its new form and spirit. Our aim in taking Sri Aurobindo as a central focus and starting point ...

The question is not whether Sri Aurobindo refused to claim or denied that he was founding a new religion or a.....Thus the section goes far beyond protecting liberty of opinion. .... What he said, what he preached and what he taught, his protest, his dissent, ...
Sri Aurobindo, Mother, sriaurobindo ashram, Search for True ...

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