Chronicles of India By Nadine
These days it seems the French have taken over again. There are many French tourists here. The street names are all French. Rue this or that. There are also many Europeans who live here. We see them riding their scooters or their children coming out of schools. I think most of them live at the Aurobindo commune, Auroville, which has 1500 residents. He was a philosopher who was born in 1872 and died in 1950. He called his philosophy Integral Yoga.
We are staying at the Aurobindo Intenational Guest House, which is quite comfortable but simple. It has four floors, all open to a central courtyard filled with beautiful plants. We have a private bathroom with hot water and air conditioning. The evenings have been very cool thanks to the sea breezes, so we have not used the air conditioning. The restaurants here cater to the Europeans so are a blessed relief from the hot masala of Indian cooking. My lower GI tract is ever so thankful. It is very hot during the day unless you stay by the sea, but the mornings and evenings are glorious. Posted by Nadine at 8:15 AM
We are staying at the Aurobindo Intenational Guest House, which is quite comfortable but simple. It has four floors, all open to a central courtyard filled with beautiful plants. We have a private bathroom with hot water and air conditioning. The evenings have been very cool thanks to the sea breezes, so we have not used the air conditioning. The restaurants here cater to the Europeans so are a blessed relief from the hot masala of Indian cooking. My lower GI tract is ever so thankful. It is very hot during the day unless you stay by the sea, but the mornings and evenings are glorious. Posted by Nadine at 8:15 AM
The Spirit and Form of an Ethical Polity: a Meditation on ... By debbanerji
It engages in that exercise of elucidation by interpreting a few of the key texts by Aurobindo Ghose on the relationship between ethics and politics in the first two decades of the twentieth century. Both secularist and subalternist ...
It engages in that exercise of elucidation by interpreting a few of the key texts by Aurobindo Ghose on the relationship between ethics and politics in the first two decades of the twentieth century. Both secularist and subalternist ...
How freedom movement is related to social and religious reform movement in pre independence India: An Analysis By: sabaha khan l Law l Sep 27, 2009
my article basically deal with the inter relationship of freedom movement and social reform in india… The beginning of the early 1900s saw a more radical approach towards political independence proposed by leaders such as the Lal Bal Pal and Sri Aurobindo. Militant nationalism also emerged in the first decades, culminating in the failed ...
Words of the Mother: Part 2 by Sri Aurobindo Ashram (Paperback - Dec. ... White Roses Enlarged Edition by The Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and Huta ...
Supermind is the Lynch-Pin of the Manifestation from Sri Aurobindo Studies by sriaurobindostudies
Sri Aurobindo recaps the seven tiers or gradations of Existence in the next chapter, the Sevenfold Chord of Being. The foundation, the beginning and the cause of existence is the triple principle of Sat-Chit-Ananda, Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. This is “the nature of the divine being.” In order to move from self-aware, all-knowledge to a stage of manifestation, the principle of Supermind acts as the lynch-pin that transforms the Knowledge and inherent Power of the divine Being into an executive force that creates the forms of multiplicity.
An Integral Transformation of the Substance of the Body « Sri ... By sriaurobindostudies
Sri Aurobindo Studies. Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga. « Psychic powers based in Subtle Body Developed by Yoga Science. An Integral Transformation of the Substance of the Body. By sriaurobindostudies. Just as there are ranges of vast ...
Sri Aurobindo Studies. Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga. « Psychic powers based in Subtle Body Developed by Yoga Science. An Integral Transformation of the Substance of the Body. By sriaurobindostudies. Just as there are ranges of vast ...
it's not that i'm unimpressed with aurobindo, or than i am consciously ignoring him. the fact is, i was hoping to deal with aurobindo's more philosophical version of neo-vedanta after having given my account of vivekananda's. for this ...
Fundamentalism and the Integral Yoga – Auroville Today Interview ... February 2010 ... an interview with Debashish Banerji
by Alan and Carel.
Debashish Banerji is a former president of the East-West Cultural Center and Sri Aurobindo Center , Los Angeles and a teacher of Asian Art History and Indian Spiritual Culture at the University of Philosophical Research . He is also a founder and administrator of the blog-zine Science, Culture, Integral Yoga ( Last September he was one of the organizers of a conference in San Francisco on ‘Fundamentalism and the Future’. More recently he took part in a conference in Auroville on ‘Spirituality beyond Religions’… I know a number of people who came to the Ashram fully prepared to stay after reading Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, but after one week of experiencing life there they fled and they’ve held it against The Mother ever since. However, I don’t think The Mother was responsible for the religiosity or the fundamentalism. I believe that Sri Aurobindo and The Mother knew very well what was coming.
ARTICLES OF FAITH — Religion, Secularism, and the Indian Supreme Cour
t: Ronojoy Sen
; Oxford University Press, YMCA Library Building , Jai Singh Road , ... SHAIKH MUJIBUR REHMAN
Ronojoy Sen
's driving question is: “how has the higher judiciary interpreted the right ... He focuses on the Indian Supreme Court's rulings on the constitutional ... he traces the muddy contours of secularism in India . ...
VO Chidambaram Pillai: Tilak's Southern Lieutenant—by R Venkatachalapathy Mirror of Tomorrow - Comment posted by: auroman
Assuming you are referring to Nehruvian secularism, certainly there are opportunists who play vote bank politics but there may also be those who reach out to minorities because they want to be inclusive, help the poor and the downtrodden. That instinct of compassion is laudable even though it sometimes leads to laxity in standards and govt excesses.
The next Show N Tell at Comox Valley Art Gallery is this afternoon (Feb. 17) and features artist Megan Wilson. The presentation is from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. and admission is by donation of $2 to $5 per person.
Geometry and Rotation - Did You Know They Are Related? from Circumsolatious by Lori Tompkins
Saturn's North Pole on Left/South Pole on Right Apparently, rotation causes geometry to form. I'm kind of shocked to be 41 years old and to never have heard this before. It seems like something I should have learned in kindergarten, or at least something I should have learned in my studies of cosmology and sacred geometry over the past couple of decades. I have read about the interlacing tetrahedral geometry of the Earth and planetary bodies, which in two dimensions are reminiscent of the ascending and descending triangles of Sri Aurobindo's symbol as seen to the right. ...
My Big TOE • View topic - Sri Aurobindo RamonThompson
I just stumbled upon this from the Wikipedia entry on Sri Aurobindo. ... Aurobindo's cosmology is very, very similar to Tom's in MBT. Keep the following, from a recent post by Tom, in mind as you read the description from Aurobindo… I will bore you with one more quote but I think it is relevant because it describes what I see happening, to a small extent, in my own experience and sounds like what many here have undergone… I'm reading the Life Divine by Aurobindo. So far, I am enjoying it a lot. I'll try to give a more informed review after I complete it. From time to time, I will post any quotes or thoughts I find pertinent or parallel to MBT. This one really jumped out at me on page 24.
I just stumbled upon this from the Wikipedia entry on Sri Aurobindo. ... Aurobindo's cosmology is very, very similar to Tom's in MBT. Keep the following, from a recent post by Tom, in mind as you read the description from Aurobindo… I will bore you with one more quote but I think it is relevant because it describes what I see happening, to a small extent, in my own experience and sounds like what many here have undergone… I'm reading the Life Divine by Aurobindo. So far, I am enjoying it a lot. I'll try to give a more informed review after I complete it. From time to time, I will post any quotes or thoughts I find pertinent or parallel to MBT. This one really jumped out at me on page 24.
"But the worlds are only frames for our experience, the senses only instruments of experience and conveniences. Consciousness is the great underlying fact, the universal witness for whom the world is a field, the senses instruments." Tue Feb 16, 2010 ...
Rick49 I recently read a biography of Sri Aurobindo titled "The Lives of Sri Aurobindo
" by Peter Heehs. It demystifies the man… "The Mother" is a fascinating spiritual, mystic collaboration of two people born into two very different cultures. He was a political activist advocating independence from Great Britain and spent time in jail for his activities. He came to his Vedic mysticism after a very western education in England . He was interested in French literature. Ken Wilber considers Aurobindo to be one of the great developmental mystic/psychologists in contemporary history who took up the psycho-spiritual evolution of individual (and group) consciousness beyond western psychology which had, until recently, seen the "self actualized"(to quote Abraham Maslow) Egoic Mind as a human being's highest potential. Aurobindo picks up the development of human consciousness beyond Egoic Mind to Trans Egoic states and stages of development described in the Vedic Traditions.
He was a fascinating man and The Mother is a story unto herself. I agree Ted, there is a clear path from mysticism to science and Tom's model came easily to me because of the powerful conection. I come from the mystical, psycho-spiritual-philosophic-historical (Hermetic) traditions and am carefully trying to navigate the very scientific terminology that many of you provide for me. It is an absolutely glorious exercise for me to engage with. Tom's model is aesthically beautiful in a mathematical fashion and lights up the awe and sense of Mystery that I experience when I read the Upanishads and other mystical texts.
He was a fascinating man and The Mother is a story unto herself. I agree Ted, there is a clear path from mysticism to science and Tom's model came easily to me because of the powerful conection. I come from the mystical, psycho-spiritual-philosophic-historical (Hermetic) traditions and am carefully trying to navigate the very scientific terminology that many of you provide for me. It is an absolutely glorious exercise for me to engage with. Tom's model is aesthically beautiful in a mathematical fashion and lights up the awe and sense of Mystery that I experience when I read the Upanishads and other mystical texts.
Murphy had been a disciple of the Indian sage Sri Aurobindo and his…spiritual successor, The Mother. Aurobindo and the Mother taught in India and ...
Secular Subhumanists and the Ravages of Reductionism from One Cosmos by Gagdad Bob
As Schuon
-- in my view a quintessential humanist in the proper sense of the word -- expressed it, "There is a great deal of talk these days about 'humanism,' talk which forgets that once man abandons his prerogatives to matter, to machines, to quantitative knowledge, he ceases to be truly 'human.'"
always treats the human as human. But in our day, the word humanism "constitutes a curious abuse of language in view of the fact that it expresses a notion that is contrary to the integrally human, hence to the human properly so called: indeed, nothing is more fundamentally inhuman than the 'purely human,' the illusion of constructing a perfect man starting from the individual and terrestrial; whereas the human in the ideal sense draws its reason for existence and its entire content from that which transcends the individual and the earthly."
kalpana commented on Lalit Kumar's blog post '" Go to Chandernagore "'
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are like Divine Locksmiths - helping us to find and use the Key of Surrender. It truly opens many doors... Om namo Bhagavate!
Jitendra Sharma - Buzz - Invitation - FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF IAQS Dear Friends, We are happy to invite you to participate in the 1st International Conference in Quebec Studies and offer your valuable contribution for the promotion of Quebec Studies in India .
The Conference will be inaugurated by the Lt.Governor of Puducherry, Chief Minister and Higher Education Minister besides other dignitaries on 17th February at4p.m. It will be held at Hotel Anandha Inn, S.V. Patel Salai, Puducherry – 605001. With warm regards, Yours sincerely Jitendra Sharma
The Conference will be inaugurated by the Lt.Governor of Puducherry, Chief Minister and Higher Education Minister besides other dignitaries on 17th February at
22 hours ago - ... Annie Besant and the theosophical society, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore, Sri Aurobindo, Radhakrishna etc., ...
I believe that in work of this kind, new directions towards the Future Poetry announced by Sri Aurobindo were taken, directions that have added to the store ...
Sri Aurobindo for the 21st Century: India Discussion Forum, Information Resource - Indian News, History, Culture, Politics, Religion, Hinduism.
I said nothing against Sri Aurobindo, who gave a new and most justified interpretations of the Vedas. I said, his style of writing is not reader-friendly; ...
Sri Aurobindo, about whom this article is projected to commemorate his 129th birth ... Most of us know the work of Sri Aurobindo which he carried on the ...
Sri Aurobindo. man is transitional being. if capable of surpassing, then can develop supramental evolution. otherwise, new species must arise.
I'm currently reading "A Greater Psychology
" by Sri Aurobindo. I just finished "Emotional Awareness" by the Dalai Lama and Paul Ekman and "Who's been ...
Kapali Sastry
quotes Sri Aurobindo, saying the following: “The opening is full ...Undoubtedly, Sri Aurobindo's “The Sun from which we kindle all our suns” ...
This new level of consciousness has only been synthesized by Southern India 's most well know and prominent guru, Sri Aurobindo. Make the connection to the ...
Master Aurobindo called it as 'Be-ness'. Before we go deep into the subject of Philosophy which deals with the object of finding the truth free from all disputes, not restricted to any school of thought, or religion and aims at what is ...
Gregorian chants were echoing at Pitanga on Sunday the 14th of February. Anandamayi, Andrea, Ane, Elsa, Irene, Carl and Denis with their beautiful voices prepared an unique evening of cappella singing. Director Eugeen Liven d'Abelardo told us few things about the history of Gregorian chants, which is a functional music for liturgical use. For centuries it was passed by oral tradition, and after they start to use scriptorium to record it, but no notation, as we know today. Gregorian chant was until 1968 the official chant of the Roman church. The selection of monastic chants for that evening was mostly from 8th and 9th centuries.
Wednesday, 17 Feb

Noh Theatre Mask and Calligraphy Exhibition (till 20 Feb,) ::: Tibetan Pavilion ::: Wed ::: 9:00 AM
Calligraphy and Painting exhibition "Vertical Relation" ::: Pitanga, Samasti (till 18 Feb.) ::: Wed ::: 8:00 AM
Insight Seminars presents Introduction to the Highlights of Tamil Nadu ::: Insight Seminar - Inside India, Building Auroshilpam ::: Wed ::: 2:30 PM
Insight Seminars presents Introduction to the Highlights of Tamil Nadu ::: Insight Seminar - Inside India, Building Auroshilpam ::: Wed ::: 2:30 PM
Another Way of Tea:Group Show by Auroville Artists ::: Gallery Square Circle: Kala Kendra: ::: Wed ::: 10:00 AM
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