Dream of Sri Aurobindo - Auroville - Foundation Anniversary - 28.02.1968. Invitaion Card on Foundation Day of Auroville - 28.02.1968. Maxim Card. ...
The Evolutionary Stage Between Mind and Supermind « Sri Aurobindo ... by sriaurobindostudies
In reviewing the gulf between the Supramental Consciousness and the Mind-Consciousness, Sri Aurobindo points out that there is simply too wide a gap, too much difference for them to represent the next succeeding step, in one direction, ...
In reviewing the gulf between the Supramental Consciousness and the Mind-Consciousness, Sri Aurobindo points out that there is simply too wide a gap, too much difference for them to represent the next succeeding step, in one direction, ...
If we look at the nature of the human mind, we can recognize that there is a designated range of perception, action, knowledge and experience within which it generally moves, and perceptions or mental functioning that falls outside this designated range are not cognised, and in most cases, not even granted any status of reality by most human beings.
"will progress of humanity be governed by economic materialistic mind or guided, enlightened by spiritual culture and knwldg." Sri Aurobindo.
Harriet Mendonca replied to Lalit Kumar's discussion 'The Lives of Sri Aurobindo and the Recycle Bin:'
I have read this book to know what it is all about; found it extremely boring and very limited and untrue.... left a comment in this sense on amazon.com, hoping to warn some readers, that is about all one can do. Unfortunately we had a discussion i… from ASPIRATION - Aspiration is a call to the Divine. — The Mother
Raman Reddy said... Anonymous comment:
PH would have benefited more had he authored his autobiography My Lives (title suggested) free from any archival support or controversy instead of touching upon Sri Aurobindo’s Lives, and your pain for his ostracism would not have been there. All would have then appreciated his honest self-expression in the autobiography. But he chose to write on Sri Aurobindo in the most unyogic manner and deceive the general public. February 26, 2010 9:01 PM
Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother. ... Sri Aurobindo: A Contemporary Reader Edited by Sachidananda Mohanty, Routledge India , ...
Mirror of Tomorrow :: Aswapati's Yoga-Tapasya: Past Not-Self and ... by RY Deshpande
We have in the Gita a significant term brahma-nirvāņa which, as Sri Aurobindo explains in the Essays, is the extinction in the Brahman, the Vedantic loss of a partial in a perfect being. This state is different from that of supreme ... We may just read the following from Sri Aurobindo: (Letters on Yoga
, pp. 46-7)... In About Himself
, Sri Aurobindo writes: (pp. 49-50) ...
Savitri: the Light of the Supreme :: 04: Aswapati's Yoga-Tapasya ... by RY Deshpande
In one of the footnotes to the Agni-hymns, Sri Aurobindo makes the following comment: “The supramental world has to be formed or created in us by the Divine Will as the result of a constant expansion and self-perfecting. ...
In one of the footnotes to the Agni-hymns, Sri Aurobindo makes the following comment: “The supramental world has to be formed or created in us by the Divine Will as the result of a constant expansion and self-perfecting. ...
Book Launch of 'Saptaparni' Program at Sri Aurobindo Bhavan [Daily]. Sri Aurobindo Bhavan, 8 Shakespeare Sarani. Poems Book Release on 'Anu Kabita' at Press ...
Circumsolatious: The Circle and the Point ... the 9 and the 0 by Lori Tompkins
All the articles but two of [Symbols and the Question of Unity] have appeared in Mother India, the monthly cultural review of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, India, from January, 1973 to January, 1974 ...
All the articles but two of [Symbols and the Question of Unity] have appeared in Mother India, the monthly cultural review of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, India, from January, 1973 to January, 1974 ...
Autobiography of a Yogi « Living Light Center Blog Room by roseredd
One of the best translations with detailed commentary is Sri Aurobindo's Message of the Gita (Jupiter Press, 16 Semudoss St., Madras, India, $3.50).▲; Babu (Mister) is placed in Bengali names at the end. ...
One of the best translations with detailed commentary is Sri Aurobindo's Message of the Gita (Jupiter Press, 16 Semudoss St., Madras, India, $3.50).▲; Babu (Mister) is placed in Bengali names at the end. ...
Shiva Darshana: Light of Lights by Agnideva
Translated by Sri Aurobindo -----. The Mundaka is a very ancient text that comes to us from the upanishadic era (800-400 BCE). By this time, the Vedic hymn collections were already of hoary antiquity and the esoteric principles hidden ...
Translated by Sri Aurobindo -----. The Mundaka is a very ancient text that comes to us from the upanishadic era (800-400 BCE). By this time, the Vedic hymn collections were already of hoary antiquity and the esoteric principles hidden ...
Sri Aurobindo (from the message broadcast on the eve of August 15, 1947 ). Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. ...
Our experience of Oriya culture was extremely rich, we visited the beautiful temple sites of Bhubaneswar , Puri and Konarak, the caves of Khandagiri and Dhauligiri, the Tribal Art Museum and a tribal festival at Bhubaneswar , Raghurajpur, an artist village, which is on UNESCO´s World Heritage list and the Konarak Natya Mandap, the Dance Academy of Guru Gangadhar Pradhan.
Human Food Unity: Amy sha la la By (m.rta.da)
In the Spirit of Auroville and in the name of Human Food Unity, the following restaurants have agreed to provide one free meal to a randomly selected Aurovilian every Monday night: • Orange Oregano Inn ...
In the Spirit of Auroville and in the name of Human Food Unity, the following restaurants have agreed to provide one free meal to a randomly selected Aurovilian every Monday night: • Orange Oregano Inn ...
Monday, 01 Mar
Ashtanga yoga daily class ::: Harmony (Auromodele/Petite Ferme) ::: Mon ::: 8:00 AM
9th "No More Pesticides"- Exhibition ::: open field opposite Solar Kitchen (except Tuesdays) ::: Mon ::: 2:00 PM
Insight Seminar: Introduction to Auroville's Vision and Concept ::: Inside India Building in Auroshilpam (behind Auromode) ::: Mon ::: 10:30 AM
Trashion Show and Recycled Art Show (till 7th March) ::: Gallery Square Circle: BASEMENT ::: Mon ::: 6:00 PM
GYROKINESIS® (Dynamic Yoga) Classes ::: Quiet Healing Centre ::: Mon ::: 8:30 AM
Ayurvedic Massage Course ::: Aurodam Harmony Centre ::: Mon ::: 9:00 AM
EXPLORING AUROVILLE ::: center guest house ::: Mon ::: 9:00 AM
Tuesday, 02 Mar
Ashtanga yoga daily class ::: Harmony (Auromodele/Petite Ferme) ::: Tue ::: 8:00 AM
9th "No More Pesticides"- Exhibition ::: open field opposite Solar Kitchen (except Tuesdays) ::: Tue ::: 2:00 PM
Insight Seminar: Education in Auroville ::: Insight Seminar room, ground floor in the Inside India Building in Auroshilpam (behind Auromode) ::: Tue ::: 10:30 AM
Trashion Show and Recycled Art Show (till 7th March) ::: Gallery Square Circle: BASEMENT ::: Tue ::: 6:00 PM
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