Interrogating the ashram Indian Express
Remember the mystic yogi Sri Aurobindo. His yogic sadhana was both a political and a spiritual act. And there was the presence of Sri Ramana and his ...
Remember the mystic yogi Sri Aurobindo. His yogic sadhana was both a political and a spiritual act. And there was the presence of Sri Ramana and his ...
Voices Against Nithyananda Scandal: Truth will triumph 17 Mar 2010 by Supporters of Nithyananda
Sri. Ramana was questioned by Lawyer during his days, on how he was able to gain income for building a big Ashram. Sri. Aurobindo's Ashram underwent difficult times, when some Press people [Even in 1930s or 1940s], had questioned the stay of Mother and one more foreign lady in the Ashram premises.
Sri. Ramana was questioned by Lawyer during his days, on how he was able to gain income for building a big Ashram. Sri. Aurobindo's Ashram underwent difficult times, when some Press people [Even in 1930s or 1940s], had questioned the stay of Mother and one more foreign lady in the Ashram premises.
How church destroyed Swami Nithyananda! | Pratap Simha By Rajiv Malhotra, March 17, 2010 by Pratap Simha
I went through a serious study of the writings by Sri Aurobindo, various Madhyamika Buddhist systems, Kashmir Shaivism, Ramana Maharshi, etc. So I was not seeking a new guru like most others who took his courses.
I went through a serious study of the writings by Sri Aurobindo, various Madhyamika Buddhist systems, Kashmir Shaivism, Ramana Maharshi, etc. So I was not seeking a new guru like most others who took his courses.
Syncretism in Sri Aurobindo's thought – part 2 « Integral Yoga of ... Posted on March 18, 2010 by Sandeep
The ordinary human mind has a propensity for exaggerating one side of the Truth and ignoring the other. One of the pleasures of reading Sri Aurobindo’s works is that such contradictions do not exist because he traces every contradiction to its Divine origin and reconciles it as part of a larger Truth. He explicates how every principle has it’s play in a certain context but if we over-generalize, then it loses its value. In the previous post, Syncretism in Sri Aurobindo’s thought – part 1, we covered five puzzles which were reconciled by Sri Aurobindo into a larger Truth. This article presents a few more additions: Self-esteem versus Humility, Good versus Evil, Various formulations of the Divine, Nature versus Nurture, Evolution versus Creationism.
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Astrology from Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother by Sandeep
We turn to astrology because it gives us hope amidst an uncertain world. It also affirms our identity and increases our self-esteem ("This is my sun-sign and that is why I am good at that"). Unfortunately, it also reinforces our defeatist tendencies ("I am always going to have this problem according to my sun-sign"). This raises the question "Do stars rule our destiny?" According to Sri Aurobindo & The Mother, the stars are merely indicators of our future; they do not control our destiny. Furthermore, those who take up the practice of Yoga (and by that, I mean more than just breathing and postures) begin to actively shape their own destiny. The practice of Yoga can alter our nature and change our Karma. In such cases, the horoscope no longer remains a guide to the future. The following are observations of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother on the general topic of astrology.

Transition from Truth-Consciousness to Ignorance « Sri Aurobindo ... By sriaurobindostudies
Sri Aurobindo attributes this to the power of the overmind to work out each possibility in detail, and then to have them carry out their characteristic actions with an “exclusive concentration” that is so pervasive that it loses ...
Sri Aurobindo attributes this to the power of the overmind to work out each possibility in detail, and then to have them carry out their characteristic actions with an “exclusive concentration” that is so pervasive that it loses ...
kalpana added a blog post Vedapuri - Sri Aurobindo and Rishi Agastya
PURANIC COSMOLOGY UPDATED: Update 7 (continued) by Thea
Lamentably, we will have to bring up this point off and on in this updating because it is central to the condition of things Vedic as well as Puranic in the subcontinent, which caused Sri Aurobindo to state that '…for the past two ...
Lamentably, we will have to bring up this point off and on in this updating because it is central to the condition of things Vedic as well as Puranic in the subcontinent, which caused Sri Aurobindo to state that '…for the past two ...
The 9, the 0, the Unified Multiplicity and the Divine Mother from Circumsolatious by Lori Tompkins
‘Thea mentions in her biography that in the early 1970s, she realized the integral nature of numbers. During her initiation with the Mother, she was told the nine `is creation in matter`. What followed was a deep realization of the nine and the meaning of the zero.’ – Dr. Patricia Heidt, ‘Growing Into the Gnostic Circle’, Life Positive, February 2003On 28 February I posted 'The Circle and the
AUM 2010 will take place July 8-11 at beautiful Menla Retreat and Conference Center in upstate New York , hosted by Matagiri. More
Manifesting the Spiritual Destiny of America July 8–11, 2010
Hosted by Matagiri Center for the Evolution of Consciousness
From the ancient spiritual beginnings of our Native American heritage to the latest technological developments where consciousness and science meet on a cutting edge, this conference will explore various aspects of the American experience in relation to the Integral Yoga and the future of humanity.
Presentations and workshops
Search for the soul of America: A vision quest for the U.S. Pavilion in Auroville
Awareness through the body: Awakening the deeper sensitivity of the physical consciousness
Matagiri, Mother’s Mountain: Joining hearts and hands to manifest a “New Creation”
Sacred Earth: Finding the Divine in the tremendous beauty of nature: America ’s sacred heritage
The Transcendentalists: Voices of the early American mystics
Conscious evolution: Integral Yoga in the 21st Century
Presenters (tentative):
Eric Hughes, cofounder of Matagiri
John Robert Cornell, AVI USA and Sri Aurobindo Association
Aloka and Ashaman, Awareness through the Body
Julian Lines, Matagiri board and Auroville International Advisory Council
Lynda Lester, Sri Aurobindo Association
Mita Radhakrishnan, Tomatis Method
Narad Eggenberger, Om Choir and Horticulturalist
Judy Abbott, Native American historian
Richard Geldard, Emerson Scholar
Richard Hartz, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Archives
Robert Lawlor, founder of Forecomers, sacred geometer
Woodstock, Matagiri and Karma Triyana Dharmachakra - Mar 15, 2010
It was through Peter Heehs, a biographer of Sri Aurobindo, I came to know of a Spiritual retreat named Matagiri in the Catskill mountains at Mount Tremper , ...
SRI AUROBINDO – “All theories, all teachings are, in the last analysis, nothing but ways of seeing and speaking. Even the highest revelations are worth no more than the power of realisation that comes with them. To live the Supreme Truth ...
Savitri: the Light of the Supreme :: 05: Aswapati's Yoga-Tapasya ... RY Deshpande
In The Synthesis of Yoga Sri Aurobindo speaks of the inadequacy of the scientific methodology of investigating the physical world by making an indicative reference to a few of its tools: “The telescope, the microscope, the scalpel, ...
In The Synthesis of Yoga Sri Aurobindo speaks of the inadequacy of the scientific methodology of investigating the physical world by making an indicative reference to a few of its tools: “The telescope, the microscope, the scalpel, ...
Savitri: the Light of the Supreme by auroman on Fri 19 Mar 2010 Permanent Link Re: 05: Aswapati’s Yoga-Tapasya: The senses there were outlets of the soul (C)
Those who grew up watching Star Wars are often the kind of people who dream up this nano-genetic bodies for a new race :-) In this passage from the Life Divine, Sri Aurobindo states that the new consciousness itself will effect the mutation of the body unlike previous stages where the body was first prepared for the new consciousness.
Jibanananda Das, Post-Rabindrian Bengali Poet · 100 Years of Sri Aurobindoon Evolution · Integral Psychology – Theorizing its Disciplinary Boundaries ...
A critique of the book "The Lives of Sri Aurobindo" by Peter Heehs ... By Raman Reddy
It is crass falsehood, for by the Collected Works is meant only Sri Aurobindo's writings. If we once open the door to these subjective interpretations (or misinterpretations), then why not also supply some kind of a Savitri-dictionary ...
It is crass falsehood, for by the Collected Works is meant only Sri Aurobindo's writings. If we once open the door to these subjective interpretations (or misinterpretations), then why not also supply some kind of a Savitri-dictionary ...
Savitri Era Reservation for male teachers
Savitri Era of those who adore Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother ... the psychological wellbeing of the students Savitri Era Party demands ensuring reasonable ...
Savitri Era of those who adore Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother ... the psychological wellbeing of the students Savitri Era Party demands ensuring reasonable ...
Remember the mystic yogi Sri Aurobindo. His yogic sadhana was both a political and a ...
Musepaper: Kiran Desai's talk on the necessity of loneliness for ...
How Mirra Alfassa went from being a French bohemian to an Indian goddess. BY MICHELLE GOLDBERG Tablet Magazine. In 1914, Mirra was 36, “a handsome woman, striking in her heavy makeup and high fashion,” in the words of Jeffery Paine, ...
How Mirra Alfassa went from being a French bohemian to an Indian goddess. BY MICHELLE GOLDBERG Tablet Magazine. In 1914, Mirra was 36, “a handsome woman, striking in her heavy makeup and high fashion,” in the words of Jeffery Paine, ...
My Life in Auroville - Studying Abroad in India - Auroville, India ...
The morning continues after breakfast with a longer, personal meditation in our own rooms or at the Matrimandir, a silent chamber in the center of Auroville ...
The morning continues after breakfast with a longer, personal meditation in our own rooms or at the Matrimandir, a silent chamber in the center of Auroville ...
Sri Aurobindo: All here should be the vessel of nectar, ie of Ananda, but the poison of pain and suffering has been poured into it as the jeevan āsār. ...
Mirror of Tomorrow Re: Jyotirmoyee—by Anurag Banerjee (B) Fri 19 Mar 2010 Permanent Link
Despite being an Ashramite where all love is expected to be channelled to the Divine, she (probably unconsciously) nurtured a longing for human love which is evident in some of her poems. She did get it eventually but had to pay a severe price for it. We shall come to it soon.
Arunachala and Ramana Maharshi: Lakshmi the Cow by David Godman
They don't know him even as they know Sri Aurobindo or P.D. Ouspensky who were only teachers — profound teachers, but not mystics. Raman Maharshi was a silent pool of energy. Every morning he used to sit for a silent satsang, communion. ...
They don't know him even as they know Sri Aurobindo or P.D. Ouspensky who were only teachers — profound teachers, but not mystics. Raman Maharshi was a silent pool of energy. Every morning he used to sit for a silent satsang, communion. ...
And finally, one loves purely and simply, without any other need or enjoy than that of loving! -- The Mother-Sri Aurobindo Ashram ...
THE BRAND NEW BAND Written by Andrea & Mike Thursday, 18 March 2010
On Friday the 12th the Brand New Band performed an amazing concert in Visitor's Center: A Blue Groove! An eclectic electric mix of sound from the ever energized Brand New Band featuring the one and only Auroville Kids Choir. Combining old songs, contemporary songs and songs from all over the world in an impressive and virtuosic way, the Brand New Band created a warm and joyful atmosphere of sounds everyone was happy listening. We are already looking forward to their next concert. More pictures in Read More.
Friday, 19 Mar
Ashtanga yoga daily class ::: Harmony (Auromodele/Petite Ferme) ::: Fri ::: 8:00 AM
9th "No More Pesticides"- Exhibition ::: open field opposite Solar Kitchen (except Tuesdays) ::: Fri ::: 2:00 PM
L’avenir Exhibition Open – Galaxy Plan Evolution, Roger’s work & Planning ::: Town Hall ::: Fri ::: 9:00 AM
Women’s Day Celebrations in the Villages ::: various villages around Auroville ::: Fri ::: 10:00 AM
Fate or Choice? ::: Verite ILC ::: Fri ::: 9:00 AM
Exhibition of Flower prints by Birgitta Volz ::: Aurodhan Art Gallery , 33, Rue Francois Martin, Kuruchikuppam, Pondicherry ::: Fri ::: 6:00 AM
Photo-Graphic Exhibition "La Forêt Enchantée" ::: Pitanga ::: Fri ::: 8:00 AM
Saturday, 20 Mar
9th "No More Pesticides"- Exhibition ::: open field opposite Solar Kitchen (except Tuesdays) ::: Sat ::: 2:00 PM
L’avenir Exhibition Open – Galaxy Plan Evolution, Roger’s work & Planning ::: Town Hall ::: Sat ::: 9:00 AM
Women’s Day Celebrations in the Villages ::: various villages around Auroville ::: Sat ::: 10:00 AM
Les chemins de la guérison ::: Cinema Paradiso ::: Sat ::: 5:00 PM
International Zone Exibition ::: Visitor's Center ::: Sat ::: 7:00 PM
Chakravyuha ::: Bharat Nivas Auditorium ::: Sat ::: 8:00 PM
Auroville Saturday market ::: front of solar kitchen ::: Sat ::: 9:30 AM
Exhibition of Flower prints by Birgitta Volz ::: Aurodhan Art Gallery, 33, Rue Francois Martin, Kuruchikuppam, Pondicherry ::: Sat ::: 6:00 AM
Photo-Graphic Exhibition "La Forêt Enchantée" ::: Pitanga ::: Sat ::: 8:00 AM
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