Discourse on the ‘Upanishad’ – by Dr. Shikha Mukherjee Sat, March 27, 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm (Monthly at 6:30 pm on the fourth Saturday) Sri Aurobindo Institute of Culture, Kolkata
There are of course issues involved with the idea of an extra-cosmic Divinity such as we have discussed in the prior post. The fact that we cannot recognize, experience or see such a creator deity is not the essential difficulty here, as all of these things could be relatively easily explained away by our limitations of perception or our standpoint. Under the same basic heading would come the idea of a divine Creator who is not entirely separate and beyond the creation, but immanent within it. The issues involved here are basically the same.
Consciousness Organises the Universe in its Manifestation « Sri ... By sriaurobindostudies
Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga. « Explanations for the Existence and Manifestation of the Universe. Consciousness Organises the Universe in its Manifestation.
Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga. « Explanations for the Existence and Manifestation of the Universe. Consciousness Organises the Universe in its Manifestation.
Savitri: the Light of the Supreme :: 05: Aswapati's Yoga-Tapasya ... by RY Deshpande
Sri Aurobindo himself has explained some aspects of this composition. He says that the poem is based on quantitative hexametric form with six stresses in each line. Mark he puts six stresses in each verse. ...
Sri Aurobindo himself has explained some aspects of this composition. He says that the poem is based on quantitative hexametric form with six stresses in each line. Mark he puts six stresses in each verse. ...
Even before coming and meeting Sri Aurobindo, I had realized everything needed to begin his yoga. It was all ready, classified, organized. Magnificent! A superb mental construction ... which he demolished within five minutes! ...
AYP Support Forums - A question for Yogani By Christi@aypsite.org Hi Arzkiyahai,
I would be very surprised if Aurobindo had said that the seat of the soul, or of anandamaya kosh was in the physical heart. I am familiar with much of his writing, and I never came across anything like that. Aurobindo had an advanced understanding of the planes of existence from the physical through the vital, mental and up to the supra-mental. I would check your sources on that one.
In my experience the spiritual heart is located to the right side of the chest, so it is separate from the physical heart and from the heart chakra, which is located in the centre of the chest. Christi
Considering the 1950-51 edition as "the authoritative or the ‘sacred’ text of Savitri" is plainly ludicrous from
Satheesh S ssatheesh1963@gmail.com

Or does Mr. RYD want us to expect that for the publication of Mr. RYD's so-called "sacred" edition of the 1950-51 edition of the Savitri, Sri Aurobindo himself went to the press to letterpress or typeset each and every page of the first "sacred" copy of the Savitri? […] What came out from Sri Aurobindo directly was what he wrote with his pen - that alone according to me can, if at all, be called "sacred".
So Mr. RYD should not try to impose on us his dogma that the only true and pure form of Savitri is what the type-setter did in the Printing Press before 1951! Mr. RYD of course has the right to believe in whatever he likes as a matter of personal faith, but we are surely not bound to buy his line that the type-setter's work is superior to what came directly out of Sri Aurobindo's pen!
Savitri Era Open Forum Let the reader decide from Jitendra Sharma aurofrance@gmail.com
It will be good to have the first edition of ‘Savitri
’ exactly as it was published. The changes that were incorporated in the text, may be given separately in a printed booklet. Let a reader decide whether to accept a change or not. Jitendra Sharma

Saturday, 27 Mar

L’avenir Exhibition Open – Galaxy Plan Evolution, Roger’s work & Planning ::: Town Hall ::: Sat ::: 9:00 AM
Women’s Day Celebrations in the Villages ::: various villages around Auroville ::: Sat ::: 10:00 AM
Music Festival - Centenary Celebration of Sri Aurobindo's arrival in PDY ::: Puducherry ::: Sat ::: 6:30 PM
Fundraising sale at Solarkitchen for "the skate park for kids" ::: Solar kitchen ::: Sat ::: 9:30 AM
Music Festival on 26th, 27th and 28th March 2010 ::: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Theater, Pondicherry [Corner of South blvd and Rue Suffren] ::: Sat ::: 6:30 PM
Sunday, 28 Mar

L’avenir Exhibition Open – Galaxy Plan Evolution, Roger’s work & Planning ::: Town Hall ::: Sun ::: 9:00 AM
Music Festival - Centenary Celebration of Sri Aurobindo's arrival in PDY ::: Puducherry ::: Sun ::: 6:30 PM
Towards Integral Health: One Week Workshop ::: Savitri Bhavan ::: Sun ::: 7:00 AM
Auroville Sunday Walk with Walter ::: Shakti ::: Sun ::: 9:00 AM
Music Festival on 26th, 27th and 28th March 2010 ::: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Theater, Pondicherry [Corner of South blvd and Rue Suffren] ::: Sun ::: 6:30 PM
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