Psychic realization and transformation in Integral Yoga ... The Psychic realisation is the first of three realisations aimed at in the Integral Yoga. ...
Founding the Life Divine: The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo. By Morwenna Donnelly. (Rider. Pp. 176. Price 12s. 6d.) HD Lewis Philosophy
I have forgiven Auroville for their horrible, mindless bureaucracy after seeing inside the Matrimandir. Oh my God, it is possibly one of the most brilliant ...
Divinity of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, maintains Debashish Banerji, “is certainly not a tenet of faith that you have to sign up for.” This line of thinking is a fundamental departure from what has concretized over the past one hundred ...
Savitri Era Open Forum: Heehs is overwhelmed by his own ...
Mirror of Tomorrow Sri Aurobindo's Marriage—a discussion by Raman Reddy pertaining to a few aspects in context of the latest biography published by the Columbia University Press.Fri 05 Mar 2010 06:24 PM IST | Permanent Link | Cosmos ...
Mirror of Tomorrow Sri Aurobindo's Marriage—a discussion by Raman Reddy pertaining to a few aspects in context of the latest biography published by the Columbia University Press.
Sri Aurobindo's Marriage (Part 2) -- by Raman Reddy 4 Mar 2010 by Raman Reddy
Heehs then concludes on the basis of this evidence that it was “the usual desire for gratification” that was presumably a factor in Sri Aurobindo's decision to get married. Now is this scholarship or speculation? ...
Heehs then concludes on the basis of this evidence that it was “the usual desire for gratification” that was presumably a factor in Sri Aurobindo's decision to get married. Now is this scholarship or speculation? ...
Comment posted by: Raman Reddy, V. Re: Sri Aurobindo’s Marriage—a discussion by Raman Reddy
Dear Auroman, This colonial mentality should go. Mostly such people do not even realise that they are stepping on other people’s toes so confident they are about their ideas and plans. On the other hand, many Indians with their age-old docility and tolerance either kowtow too easily to these so-called modern concepts or reject them in toto. What is needed is clarity of thought based on a deeper understanding of life and the strength to stand by it.
Sri Aurobindo has thrown some light into this, highlighting the scientific as well as the occult point of view. According to the scientific view of sleep, we pass in many “phases” of sleep until we arrive at that phase that gives us ...
Sri Aurobindo: Indian poet, philosopher and mystic. By GH Langley ...
Sri Aurobindo: Indian poet, philosopher and mystic. By GH Langley. ... (David Marlowe, Ltd. For the Royal Indian andPakistan Society. 1949. Price 10s. 6d.) ...
Sri Aurobindo: Indian poet, philosopher and mystic. By GH Langley. ... (David Marlowe, Ltd. For the Royal Indian and Hymns To The Mystic Fire, Indian Edition: Aurobindo ...
Buy Hymns To The Mystic Fire, Indian Edition inIndia . FREE Shipping. Rs.170, Save 8%. Hymns To The Mystic Fire, Indian Edition by Aurobindo.
Buy Hymns To The Mystic Fire, Indian Edition in Commentaries On 'the Life Divine': Mirra Alfassa ...
Buy Commentaries On 'the Life Divine' inIndia . FREE Shipping. Rs.40. Commentaries On 'the Life Divine' by Mirra Alfassa. Book Review of Commentaries On ...
Buy Commentaries On 'the Life Divine' in
Experience of the Overmind Consciousness « Sri Aurobindo Studies
Sri Aurobindo describes the experience of consciousness that occurs with the link to the overmental levels of consciousness. “We are aware of a sealike downpour of masses of a spontaneous knowledge which assumes the nature of Thought ...
Sri Aurobindo describes the experience of consciousness that occurs with the link to the overmental levels of consciousness. “We are aware of a sealike downpour of masses of a spontaneous knowledge which assumes the nature of Thought ...
Learning Vedic Sanskrit, a few words at a time,, in quest of the ... By satyask
Next, I read a book called “The secret of the Veda” by Sri Aurobindo… I was seriously bowled over by the genius of this man – rshi. Aurobindo pointed out that there were dozens of meanings of the word gouh.. one of which was light. ...
Next, I read a book called “The secret of the Veda” by Sri Aurobindo… I was seriously bowled over by the genius of this man – rshi. Aurobindo pointed out that there were dozens of meanings of the word gouh.. one of which was light. ...
Now I think the Wilber V model and specifically the Wilber-Combs Lattice really clarifies this. Da's model had nonduality on the top. It was like the Wilber IV but without lines and shadow—but I think that is one of the things that would make it difficult to live these ideals perfectly (whether or not Da actually lived up this ideal himself aside).
If nonduality is on the top then if you are experiencing things as nondual then you are acting as love. With others in that era I think it was similar, nonduality on top as the highest stage; if you were experiencing it in a nondual manner, you were love.
But what if the Wilber-Combs Lattice is right and things can be experienced as nondual at every stage? Then a person could have responses from several levels, even very low ones, and because they are experiencing things nondually at each one tell themselves that they are always acting as love, that nondual love is crazy wisdom, just looks wrong according to conventional morality.
I think we should remember that people of that era didn't have the amazing luxury and view of Wilber V or even Wilber IV, which put states on top but was still very clear about different lines of development. This theoretical difference, I believe, can explain a lot in terms of the apparent “gurus gone wild” in the 1970s in particular.
It's true that Aurobindo was clear on this and perhaps a few others, but that understanding would take a while to sink in.
If nonduality is on the top then if you are experiencing things as nondual then you are acting as love. With others in that era I think it was similar, nonduality on top as the highest stage; if you were experiencing it in a nondual manner, you were love.
But what if the Wilber-Combs Lattice is right and things can be experienced as nondual at every stage? Then a person could have responses from several levels, even very low ones, and because they are experiencing things nondually at each one tell themselves that they are always acting as love, that nondual love is crazy wisdom, just looks wrong according to conventional morality.
I think we should remember that people of that era didn't have the amazing luxury and view of Wilber V or even Wilber IV, which put states on top but was still very clear about different lines of development. This theoretical difference, I believe, can explain a lot in terms of the apparent “gurus gone wild” in the 1970s in particular.
It's true that Aurobindo was clear on this and perhaps a few others, but that understanding would take a while to sink in.
Ken Wilber and Sri Aurobindo But Wilber has a knack of simplifying, and this then means that - through Wilbers own . In most of his books, from The Atman Project onwards, Wilber refers to Sri .
Ken Wilber and Sri Aurobindo: A Critical Perspective Ken Wilber's work now spans two decades, from The Atman Project (1980), to A . The goals of this essay, therefore, are to present a summary of various essential aspects .
Ken Wilber's method of integral knowledge The central thesis and overarching point about Wilber's methodology is that he almost never rejects a person or an entire system of thought.
Wrendia: Auroville ago by Wren
O.M.G. Salad greens! Kombucha! Tuna salad sandwich on wheat bread! Glorious foods I have consumed here in Auroville, the first stop for Poni and I on our brief tour of southernIndia after months in Mysore . Auroville is a self-described "Divine anarchy" where people from all over the world have worked to create a sustainable community that is not based on religion, but rather a unifying consciousness of the divine.
O.M.G. Salad greens! Kombucha! Tuna salad sandwich on wheat bread! Glorious foods I have consumed here in Auroville, the first stop for Poni and I on our brief tour of southern
Based on the ideas of two people, Sri Aurobindo and someone known as "the Mother", and founded in 1968, this community seems to be a visionary success, if not a bit angsty and cultish. Indian people make up about forty percent of the population, the rest mostly white or Western. People wear miniskirts here and get all touchy-feely in public. They eat at a giant solar kitchen and meditate in a bulbous temple dubbed the Matri Mandir, a structure straight out of the heart of what I imagine the late sixties to have been like.
Not only have Poni and I had amazing raw, vegan, organic, and completely non-Indian Western hippie foods in abundance, but we have also seen the BEACH, and a beautiful ashram in the city of Pondicherry, a quaint and very French-influenced town about ten miles outside of Auroville. Our guide, and Poni's longtime friend, Ethan, has been showing us around when he has time outside of his busy schedule at the Youth Camp he teaches environmental science at. The "youths" are spirited American college students with idealism glittering in their eyes. They and their camp (and subsequently Poni and I as well for the past few days) are kept clean and extremely well fed by the Tamil Indian folks working here. Much of the grunt work in Auroville, it seems, is done by Indian hands, which is no doubt a subject of constant moral debate for the rest of the community. I am feeling quite at home here, gobbling herbal energy ladus and fruit keifer drinks, Poni and I debating the debatability of the term "anarchy" as it has been applied here, and being constantly reminded of my glorious days at Fairhaven College in Bellingham, where I too once had idyllic glittering eyes and a fierce passion for unity, knowledge, progressive thinking, and what have you. Not that I don't still feel that way now, I just feel a whole bunch of other things as well.
Not only have Poni and I had amazing raw, vegan, organic, and completely non-Indian Western hippie foods in abundance, but we have also seen the BEACH, and a beautiful ashram in the city of Pondicherry, a quaint and very French-influenced town about ten miles outside of Auroville. Our guide, and Poni's longtime friend, Ethan, has been showing us around when he has time outside of his busy schedule at the Youth Camp he teaches environmental science at. The "youths" are spirited American college students with idealism glittering in their eyes. They and their camp (and subsequently Poni and I as well for the past few days) are kept clean and extremely well fed by the Tamil Indian folks working here. Much of the grunt work in Auroville, it seems, is done by Indian hands, which is no doubt a subject of constant moral debate for the rest of the community. I am feeling quite at home here, gobbling herbal energy ladus and fruit keifer drinks, Poni and I debating the debatability of the term "anarchy" as it has been applied here, and being constantly reminded of my glorious days at Fairhaven College in Bellingham, where I too once had idyllic glittering eyes and a fierce passion for unity, knowledge, progressive thinking, and what have you. Not that I don't still feel that way now, I just feel a whole bunch of other things as well.
Written by Rakhal Tuesday, 09 March 2010
The process of renewing L’avenir d’Auroville (the Urban planning service of Auroville) is going on since sometime. It is the occasion for Auroville residents to find a new momentum toward the construction of the City.
Amongst all the actions which are being conducted for this purpose, a Study group has worked toward the necessary evolution of the structure and functioning of this service. Their proposal was presented to the Residents during this meeting to start collect feedback from them and get it ratified. Here the recording of the meeting held yesterday in Town Hall.
Amongst all the actions which are being conducted for this purpose, a Study group has worked toward the necessary evolution of the structure and functioning of this service. Their proposal was presented to the Residents during this meeting to start collect feedback from them and get it ratified. Here the recording of the meeting held yesterday in Town Hall.
Written by Mattia Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Living Routes is an US-American program to study abroad, focusing on issues like eco-villages and sustainable practices. The students are coming from the US to explore and practice a sustainable way of living in Auroville for three and half months. While they are here, they are involved in many different activities, such as service learning projects, community living and many more. Here is an interview with Eathan, who is one of the faculty members in the on-going semester. He explains about the program and shares his unique experiences here in Auroville.
Wednesday, 10 Mar

Insight Seminar: Economy and Organization of Auroville ::: Inside India Building in Auroshilpam (behind Auromode) ::: Wed ::: 10:30 AM
Auroville Renaissance Cappella ::: Pitanga, Ashram, Adishakti, Notre Dame Pondy, Tibetan Pavilion ::: Wed ::: 8:00 PM
"Self-Mastery" - Introductory workshop on the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother ::: Savitri Bhavan ::: Wed ::: 3:30 PM
Kavalam Narayana panikkar's production of Bhavabuti's "Uttararamacarita" ::: Adishakti ::: Wed ::: 7:00 PM
Thursday, 11 Mar
Ashtanga yoga daily class ::: Harmony (Auromodele/Petite Ferme) ::: Thu ::: 8:00 AM
GYROKINESIS® (Dynamic Yoga) Classes with Dodo ::: Quiet Healing Center ::: Thu ::: 8:30 AM

Insight Seminar: Eco-Restoration in Auroville ::: Inside India Building in Auroshilpam (behind Auromode) ::: Thu ::: 10:30 AM
Auroville Renaissance Cappella ::: Pitanga, Ashram, Adishakti, Notre Dame Pondy, Tibetan Pavilion ::: Thu ::: 8:00 PM
Photo-Graphic Exhibition "La Forêt Enchantée" ::: Pitanga ::: Thu ::: 8:00 AM
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