PanchaTattva Dharana : contemplation on the five elements from Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother by Sandeep
This post supplements a previous post Videha Dharana : fixing the mind outside the body, which discussed a method called Videha Dharana as per Sri Anirvan
. The method is drawn from the Upanishads and can also be called PanchaTattva Dharana or contemplation on the five (pancha) elements (tattva) - namely earth, water, air, fire, ether. There is a similar technique in the Tantra texts called Bhuta-Shuddhi which is also outlined here.
… (Note: For those who practice Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, I must add that this method is not found anywhere in their works. The method is being outlined here purely for the sake of knowledge.) ...

, Director, Aeon Centre of Cosmology, President of Aeon Trust, Director of Aeon Books. [The New Way: A Study in the Rise and Establishment of a Gnostic Society (Two Volumes in One)
, The Gnostic Circle
, Time & Imperishability
, The Hidden Manna:Being the Revelation Called Apocalypse of John the Divine with Complete Text and Commentaries
(In one’s individual sadhana in the practice of Integral Yoga, the same situation is often experienced: when the Yoga Shakti has decided that it is time for a certain breakthrough, the issue in question seems to arise more vehemently than ever. Then we know that with her Grace its hold over our consciousness is nearing its end, the ‘knot’ is about to be undone if we participate in the required action.) ... Kurma, the avatar as Tortoise, is one of the most significant stages in what Sri Aurobindo has referred to as 'a parable of evolution'. ...
Similarly in the field of life, Sri Aurobindo points out that while we can see the process of a seed developing into a tree, and we can even intervene in and manipulate that process to some degree, but we still do not understand the ...
Dante and Sri Aurobindo: A Comparative Study of "The Divine Comedy" and "Savitri"
: Prema Nandakumar: Books. The ideal of world community: Buddhist aspiration in view of Sri Aurobindo ~ Hajime Nakamura (Author)
Savitri: the Light of the Supreme :: 05: Aswapati's Yoga-Tapasya ... by RY Deshpande
About Walter de la Mare
, Sri Aurobindo says in another context that he has generally “an unfailing beauty of language and rhythm and an inspired loveliness of fancy that is captivating.” But all that is missing here. ...
About Walter de la Mare
Comment posted by RY Deshpande [Re: RYD’s sly and insidious Method of sowing Doubts in People’s Minds—by S Satheesh ]:
Amal Kiran had published my first poem, a sonnet, in Mother India in 1952 when I was a college student. At that time the monthly was coming out from Bombay , and it used to make payments to the authors. I was jubilantly surprised to have received money from him, which I promptly sent to the Mother as my first earned offering. He had great confidence in me when for eight years I was working as the de facto editor of his fond Mother India, which I’d to leave because of the controlling management; both Amal Kiran and Nirodbaran, particularly the concerned Amal Kiran, tried to sort it out, but nothing worked. But nothing came in the way of our respectful mutuality.
During the 1980s Nirodbaran and I used to read Savitri together Upstairs, in the closed verandah in front of the Darshan Room.
Educated Indian elite have been influencing and imitating the western epicurean philosophy by applying In the Indian atmosphere. I am not at all condemning the western philosophy. We can adopt western thought, but it must be filtered to fit into Indian environment, rather than dumping in raw.
I recall the words of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo, who used to say the essence of mixing western and Indian philosophy for the awakening of Indians from orthodoxy to practical Vedanta for better living.
The teachings of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have not reached a substantial number of people. Persistent effort is necessary to make them available to those who have not heard their names. All devotees are requested to initiate a blog ...
A large number of devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are also victims of such a ... Savitri Era: From Chicago with love
Savitri Era Learning Forum: Sri Aurobindo, K.C. Bhattacharyya and ...
Sri Aurobindo and the theories of evolution;: A critical and comparative study of the Indian and western theories of evolution with special reference to ... evolution (The Chowkhamba Sanskrit studies) Rama ...
Sri Aurobindo and the theories of evolution;: A critical and comparative study of the Indian and western theories of evolution with special reference to ... evolution (The Chowkhamba Sanskrit studies) Rama ...
Sri Aurobindo (from the message broadcast on the eve of August 15, 1947 ). Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. ...
Svaram » Blog Archive » News from Svaram 2/2 By juergen
Jan: I am here in Auroville and Svaram now for 6 months, working in this project and trying to introduce some new ideas. I have been playing percussions since I am eight years old, therefore on the music fair I decided to show some ...
Jan: I am here in Auroville and Svaram now for 6 months, working in this project and trying to introduce some new ideas. I have been playing percussions since I am eight years old, therefore on the music fair I decided to show some ...
Travel Vicarious: Return to Delhi and Thoughts on Auroville by ... By Fiz-Kat
There was also really poor internet connections in Auroville and it was generally really hot wherever a computer was which left me disinclined to stay in place and type. But really, mostly the reason we have been so silent is we were immersing ourselves in the experience of Auroville. Blogging or staying connected to the outside world was taking us out of our experience and for that reason we shied from it. There is so much to say about Auroville that I cannot possibly cover it all here. I don't even know if I can graze the surface.
There was also really poor internet connections in Auroville and it was generally really hot wherever a computer was which left me disinclined to stay in place and type. But really, mostly the reason we have been so silent is we were immersing ourselves in the experience of Auroville. Blogging or staying connected to the outside world was taking us out of our experience and for that reason we shied from it. There is so much to say about Auroville that I cannot possibly cover it all here. I don't even know if I can graze the surface.
3 shops sealed for flouting norms Express Buzz
CHENNAI: On Tuesday, the Chennai Corporation sealed three commercial establishments, including a high-profile handicrafts store 'Naturally Auroville', ...
CHENNAI: On Tuesday, the Chennai Corporation sealed three commercial establishments, including a high-profile handicrafts store 'Naturally Auroville', ...
STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS Written by Andrea Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Telos model is based on the integral yoga and it has been specially developed for the practical applications of yogic knowledge in the context of evolving life of individuals and organisations. It is a conceptual tool to map and develop different states of evolving consciousness in individuals, organisations, products, services or in any field of work. A form of action can be animated by different states of consciousness, however depending on the quality of the state of consciousness animating it the action and its results undergoes radical change. Therefore to improve an action and its results the underlying states of consciousness has to be developed and refined. – Manoj To download click here.
Wednesday, 24 Mar
9th "No More Pesticides"- Exhibition ::: open field opposite Solar Kitchen (except Tuesdays) ::: Wed ::: 2:00 PM
Insight Seminar: Economy and Organization of Auroville ::: Inside India Building in Auroshilpam (behind Auromode) ::: Wed ::: 10:30 AM
L’avenir Exhibition Open – Galaxy Plan Evolution, Roger’s work & Planning ::: Town Hall ::: Wed ::: 9:00 AM
Women’s Day Celebrations in the Villages ::: various villages around Auroville ::: Wed ::: 10:00 AM
" Self-realisation" - Introductory workshop on the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother ::: Savitri Bhavan ::: Wed ::: 3:30 PM
Exhibition of Flower prints by Birgitta Volz ::: Aurodhan Art Gallery , 33, Rue Francois Martin, Kuruchikuppam, Pondicherry ::: Wed ::: 6:00 AM
Thursday, 25 Mar
Ashtanga yoga daily class ::: Harmony (Auromodele/Petite Ferme) ::: Thu ::: 8:00 AM
GYROKINESIS® (Dynamic Yoga) Classes with Dodo ::: Quiet Healing Center ::: Thu ::: 8:30 AM
9th "No More Pesticides"- Exhibition ::: open field opposite Solar Kitchen (except Tuesdays) ::: Thu ::: 2:00 PM
L’avenir Exhibition Open – Galaxy Plan Evolution, Roger’s work & Planning ::: Town Hall ::: Thu ::: 9:00 AM
Women’s Day Celebrations in the Villages ::: various villages around Auroville ::: Thu ::: 10:00 AM
Exhibition of Flower prints by Birgitta Volz ::: Aurodhan Art Gallery , 33, Rue Francois Martin, Kuruchikuppam, Pondicherry ::: Thu ::: 6:00 AM
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