Sri Aurobindo Society: Study Circle meeting on 'Sri Aurobindo and The Mother on internal attitude,' 3 Lajapathi Roy Road , Chinna Chokkikulam, 10.30 a.m.
The Hindu : Engagements: In Coimbatore Today
The Hindu : Engagements: In Coimbatore Today
Aurobindo Devotees Prayer Group: Pushpanjali Sevai and Prayers to SriAnnai, Sasi Balika Vidya Mandir, 9.30 a.m. and Annai Meditation Centre, Kovaipudur,
Anuradha Choudry talks and workshops Agenda 2010| Mar
Sri Aurobindo SocietySingapore , Sanskrit Immersion course: (1) Mantras for peace and well being (13th & 14th March 2010 , 3pm to 5pm ); (2) Spoken Sanskrit (13th to 21st March 2010, 7pm to 9pm ); (3) Sanskrit writing classes to introduce those interested to the Devanagri script. Mar 24 – 31 | Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur
Sri Aurobindo Society
Jitendra Sharma – Friends, let us not become religious Fanatics. We all are undoubtedly very intelligent and understand all things. The purpose of these discussions should be to harmonise all views. Please respect each other and do ot use harsh words to hurt anyone's feelings. I teach in St. Joseph 's College, Calicut . Most of my students and colleagues are Christians. They have a lot of affection, love and respect for me. They value the true Christian ways of living. I will never utter a single word against Jesus Christ.10:01
Hugh Higgins - There are Christian groups who accept reincarnation. Charles Fillmore
, the founder of the Unity movement in the U.S. (in 1889) taught reincarnation although his chief guru was Jesus. Max Heindel
who founded the Rosicrucian Fellowship, categorized as esoteric Christians, taught reincarnation along with many other Hindu tenets. So did Rudolf Steiner who called his system of Christian Theosophy Anthroposophy. There is room for reincarnation in advanced Christian thinking. I am sorry that the so-called "fundamentalists" do not understand this. 5 Mar
Ponderings of a Jungian in the First Half of Life: Between ... by Satya Doyle Byock, MA
Dr. Brian Swimme, a professor of cosmology at California Institute of Integral Science and a prime ponderer of such theories of existence, recounted the notions of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) in an interview republished in 2006 by What is Enlightenment? magazine. Swimme discussed this transcendent third, between science and God, through Teilhard's theories.
Dr. Brian Swimme, a professor of cosmology at California Institute of Integral Science and a prime ponderer of such theories of existence, recounted the notions of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) in an interview republished in 2006 by What is Enlightenment? magazine. Swimme discussed this transcendent third, between science and God, through Teilhard's theories.
Teilhard de Chardin in the West and Sri Aurobindo in India really arrived at the same basic vision, which is that the unfolding of the universe is a physical evolution and also a spiritual evolution. . . . Satya currently lives in Southern CA and is working on a book of Jungian psychology for quarterlifers. VIEW MY COMPLETE PROFILE
Publishing: The Revolutionary Future by Jason Epstein from Posthuman Destinies by rcarlson
Though Gutenberg's invention made possible our modern world with all its wonders and woes, no one, much less Gutenberg himself, could have foreseen that his press would have this effect. And no one today can foresee except in broad and sketchy outline the far greater impact that digitization will have on our own future. With the earth trembling beneath them, it is no wonder that publishers with one foot in the crumbling past and the other seeking solid ground in an uncertain future hesitate to seize the opportunity that digitization offers them to restore, expand, and promote their backlists to a decentralized, worldwide marketplace. New technologies, however, do not await permission. They are, to use Schumpeter's overused term, disruptive, as nonnegotiable as earthquakes. Gutenberg's technology was the sine qua non for the rebirth of the West, …
Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance as Post-Colonial Phenomena from Posthuman Destinies by rcarlson
In continuing to explore the Future Poetry post 1920 we turn to Langston Hughes who was the major poet of the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance was a movement that included many writers from the Caribbean whose post-colonial voices form a choir with the children of American slaves.
The occult spirits which influence our actions « Integral Yoga of ...
My name is Sandeep This blog discusses the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Шри Ауробиндо & The Mother Mirra Мирра Alfassa whose pictures are seen above The ...
My name is Sandeep This blog discusses the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Шри Ауробиндо & The Mother Mirra Мирра Alfassa whose pictures are seen above The ...
The Ascent into the Vast Spiritual Silent Reality « Sri Aurobindo ...
Sri Aurobindo describes the types of state one enters as the consciousness ascends. “The first most ordinary result is a discovery of a vast static and silent Self which we feel to be our real or our basic existence, the foundation of ...
Sri Aurobindo describes the types of state one enters as the consciousness ascends. “The first most ordinary result is a discovery of a vast static and silent Self which we feel to be our real or our basic existence, the foundation of ...
Sri Aurobindo's Marriage—a discussion by Raman Reddy pertaining to a few aspects in ... Re: Re: Re: The Lives of Sri Aurobindo says Savitri is a fictional ...
Savitri Era: Power is exercised only over free subjects
This might be a way back to addressing the question Carlson and Banerji pose above vis a vis Aurobindian spiritual practice.] ...
This might be a way back to addressing the question Carlson and Banerji pose above vis a vis Aurobindian spiritual practice.] ...
If Banerji is reiterating that The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were “human beings treading the ...
This man, Peter is the same person, who is the mastermind in mutilating Savitri, the mantra of Supramental Transformation, then also this Manoj and company sailed together in the same boat. Devotees throughout the world should join together with Gitanjali to fight for Truth. Posted by bijan ghosh advocate supreme court to Savitri Era Open Forum at 3:40 PM , February 12, 2010
A Comprehensive Explanationofthe Practice of Integral Yoga ... by Corge
This kind of Yoga is a creation of Sri Aurobindo. Note that there are other forms of integral yoga, so it's important to know who the founder of the kind of yoga was when selecting or exploring a style of yoga. ...
This kind of Yoga is a creation of Sri Aurobindo. Note that there are other forms of integral yoga, so it's important to know who the founder of the kind of yoga was when selecting or exploring a style of yoga. ...
Educated in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry . ... I follow the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother of Pondicherry. I am an ardent believer in ...
Ennapadam Panchajanya By Durgadevi
Smt Radha Rajan has correctly diagnosed that the following factors have been responsible for our failure to establish a Hindu Rajya:
• Both the British Raj and the Indian National Congress (INC) always discredited and/or ruthlessly put down all expressions of Hindu resistance and rebellion.
• Gandhi and his doctrines of ‘passive resistance’ and ‘non-violence’ came to occupy the public space vacated by Hindu nationalists and fiery proponents of Hindu Rajya like Tilak, Aurobindo and Veer Savarkar all of whom were towering Hindu thinkers and votaries of armed resistance. Gandhi de-legitimized Hindu anger and all expressions of Hindu anger.
• Nehru inherited the mantle of leadership from Gandhi and was actively hostile to everything Hindu.
• No important leader of the Freedom Struggle (with the striking exception of Veer Savarkar) explicitly articulated or delineated the concept of Hindu Rajya as the ultimate objective of the Freedom Movement.
• After the advent of Gandhi in 1915 and the ascent of Nehru in 1929, with the notable exception of Veer Savarkar, there was no sense of conscious ‘Hindu’ political objectives to the Freedom Movement in general and to the Indian National Congress (INC) in particular. Very unfortunately there was no collective and conscious realization of the nature of a Hindu Rashtra and the objectives of Hindu Rajya and hence there was no intention or determination to achieve them.
Aurobindo withdrew from the arena of politics in 1910. Tilak was sent to prison in Burma soon thereafter and after his return lived only for a few more years till his death in 1920. Veer Savarkar was jailed for 25 years from 1911. Thus the Hindu Society failed to throw up an outstanding leader (other than these 3 stalwarts) during the critically important period from 1890 to 1947. Sri Aurobindo and Bal Gangadhar Tilak had no clear conception or understanding of what is a Hindu Rashtra. Nor did they declare from any public platform that the goal of Purna Swaraj is the establishment of a Hindu State . Only Veer Savarkar was clear and categorical in his view that the establishment of a Hindu State and Hindu Nation ought to be the aim of Purna Swaraj (to be continued) Posted by Durgadevi at 5:20 AM
Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time: My People UPROOTED By Banga
THE BACKGROUND : PRE-PARTITION BENGALI SOCIETY. This is a strange story of persecution, ethnic cleansing based on religion, related politics and en masse delusion, partly self-induced. As stories of persecutions in recent times go, .... Apart from these Nobel Laureates,Bengal can boast of such intellectual giants in different walks of life as the monk Swami Vivekananda[7], the novelist Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
[8], the philosopher and mystic Sri Aurobindo[9], ...
THE BACKGROUND : PRE-PARTITION BENGALI SOCIETY. This is a strange story of persecution, ethnic cleansing based on religion, related politics and en masse delusion, partly self-induced. As stories of persecutions in recent times go, .... Apart from these Nobel Laureates,
Early birds get warm croissants The Hindu
The Hindu Baked goodies for sale at the bakery in Auroville, Villupuram district, Tamil Nadu. Photo: Pheroze L. Vincent Up the hill from ...
The Hindu Baked goodies for sale at the bakery in Auroville, Villupuram district, Tamil Nadu. Photo: Pheroze L. Vincent Up the hill from ...
Savitri: the Light of the Supreme :: 04: Aswapati's Yoga-Tapasya ... By RY Deshpande
Sri Aurobindo has presented the first two in the Yoga of Self-Perfection, in part IV of The Synthesis of Yoga when it was serialised in the Arya. But as the publication of the monthly ceased in January 1921, the last two remained ...
Sri Aurobindo has presented the first two in the Yoga of Self-Perfection, in part IV of The Synthesis of Yoga when it was serialised in the Arya. But as the publication of the monthly ceased in January 1921, the last two remained ...
hours ago - Journey in Eternal Night is based on a canto from the epic poem, Savitri, written by the Indian mystic and freedom fighter Sri Aurobindo. ...
The New Platform: From Arhata By Barindranath Chaki
Mira Aditi Centre has published my Bengali translations of some books including Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness by Satprem, India's Rebirth and India the Mother, collections from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the ...
Mira Aditi Centre has published my Bengali translations of some books including Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness by Satprem, India's Rebirth and India the Mother, collections from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the ...
Natural Resonance Revolution: Deep Disharmony: Surplus Value of ... By spiraldance
The Theosophists were the main architects of the World Institute think tank in collaboration with UNESCO's support for yoga master Sri Aurobindo's philosophy of a global Supermind evolution.Aurobindo's Ashram is an official UNESCO site ...
The Theosophists were the main architects of the World Institute think tank in collaboration with UNESCO's support for yoga master Sri Aurobindo's philosophy of a global Supermind evolution.Aurobindo's Ashram is an official UNESCO site ...
sri aurobindo alok dham kindira ... ... sri aurobindo alok dham kindira shiva temple chintamani ,bipin nabin nayak nivas rabin'shouse KML ...
AMY-HOUSING SERVICE Written by Marlenka Saturday, 06 March 2010
Amy serves Auroville at the Housing Service. Her work is not particularly simple; everyday she encounters people who are in need of a pleace to live, a basic commodity. Auroville is meant to become a city of 50,000 inhabitants and of the present 2,000 more or less, there are a large number whose housing needs are not met, not only Newcomers but long-time Aurovilians as well. Amy, in an explanatory manner, speaks about these issues: how the situation came to be and with hope for the future.
Sunday, 07 Mar
9th "No More Pesticides"- Exhibition ::: open field opposite Solar Kitchen (except Tuesdays) ::: Sun ::: 2:00 PM
International women’s celebration ::: Field outside MM Nursery gate ::: Sun ::: 10:00 AM

Convergence offers: Environmental Change through Observation - a weekend program ::: evergreen community ::: Sun ::: 9:00 AM
Trashion Show and Recycled Art Show (till 7th March) ::: Gallery Square Circle: BASEMENT ::: Sun ::: 10:00 AM
Two-day workshop: The Little Mermaid And Her Dolphin ::: New Creation, Kolam Computer Centre and White Peacock Studio, Kindergarten ::: Sun ::: 10:00 AM
C I N E M A - Indian Film Festival - Dwando, Firaaq ::: Bharat Nivas, Auditorium ::: Sun ::: 6:00 PM
Monday, 08 Mar
Ashtanga yoga daily class ::: Harmony (Auromodele/Petite Ferme) ::: Mon ::: 8:00 AM
GYROKINESIS® (Dynamic Yoga) Classes with Dodo ::: Quiet Healing Centre ::: Mon ::: 8:30 AM
9th "No More Pesticides"- Exhibition ::: open field opposite Solar Kitchen (except Tuesdays) ::: Mon ::: 2:00 PM

Special Tamil film for women`s day ::: MMC auditorium ::: Mon ::: 10:30 AM
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