Sri Aurobindo's—and the Mother's—life, they together traversing the Path of Descent from the moment they met first on 29 March 1914, at 4 pm in the Ashram's Guest House where Sri Aurobindo was staying at that time. ...
The Mother
's First Arrival Day in Pondicherry: Mon Mar 29 Sri Aurobindo Institute of Culture, Kolkata
Is existence essentially unreal? (himanshu damle): Aurobindo and Philosophy By himanshu damle
I was at a seminar hosted in honour of celebrating the centenary of Aurobindo's arrival inPondicherry . Three days, but I could only find myself attend one and a half days, which were intense, no doubt. ...
I was at a seminar hosted in honour of celebrating the centenary of Aurobindo's arrival in
Although a sense of deifying Aurobindo is so very palpable here, it none the less becomes difficult if the point is not taken clearly and there is a circuit collapse in thinker's own 'so-called disciples' way of thinking. Apart from the personal saga of the first narrative, cases like Aurobindo's disciples asking him to cure them of their ailment and he in tun directing them at the doctor and then saying this directing is itself the force acting is simply ridiculous to take any credibility of. Then came a short talk on 'The Ultimate Theory of Everything' and lessons to be taken from Aurobindo and must say that the speaker did reveal importantly that despite 100 years' of science's jettisoning 'Ether' from its manyfoldedness, it has come back to be all pervading and in Aurobindo is termed 'Consciousness'!!!!! This was perplexing indeed. A scholarly talk, but at times showing proclivities towards 'Thou Art Aurobindo'…
But, a sense of pride was felt by me (narcissism does tend to take over at times), when it was agreed that his thought is indeed anthropocentric and the reason given being man as the highest development of consciousness (thats what I called earlier circuit collapse)!!!!!! Himanshu POSTED BY HIMANSHU DAMLE AT 16:58:00
If, instead of demanding an “either/or” solution to the process of creation, we accept that both “chance” and “necessity” represent essential aspects of the creative process, we find that suddenly the “inexplicable” starts to make sense.
We see on the one side the fantastic variety and uniqueness of forms that appear to occur purely by chance and do not seem to follow any fixed design as to the specifics of any of these forms; and on the other side, we can drill down and find exact mathematical precision and an “architecture” to the structure of the universe that clearly represents some organised and systematic approach to building up the creation.
The Mechanism of the Involution and Evolution of Consciousness ... By sriaurobindostudies
Sri Aurobindo continues to expand on this concept: “On that hypothesis, there must be behind the action of the material Energy a secret involved Consciousness, cosmic, infinite, building up through the action of that frontal Energy its ...
Sri Aurobindo continues to expand on this concept: “On that hypothesis, there must be behind the action of the material Energy a secret involved Consciousness, cosmic, infinite, building up through the action of that frontal Energy its ...
So I as much as anyone care about the edition I use being exactly correct according to Sri Aurobindo's latest corrections and wishes. But the only way we can get to that goal is through a thoroughly annotated critical edition, ...
Cosmic Piper has left a new comment on your post "Considering the 1950-51 edition as "the authoritat...": I have an edition I purchased in America in 1972. It is thoroughly worn, the pages all separated, the cover weather-beaten. I once carried it with me to a meeting of the New York Sri Aurobindo Center (when there was such a thing) in the rain, refusing to close it while reading walking in the rain, so that it was thoroughly soaked. I offered it to Sri Aurobindo in the rain. I do not regret that, because it is still readable. I felt, "It is more important for me to read these words now than for this copy to be left dry." I knew that Sri Aurobindo could stop the rain if He wanted to. Hugh Higgins Posted by Cosmic Piper to Savitri Era Open Forum at 1:03 AM , March 29, 2010
Forecast for Monday 29 March 2010 by Hugh Higgins — Gaia Communityby Hugh
In doing that we do not lose touch with the ordinary, the daily, the commonplace, "the simple world of kind familiar things" (Sri Aurobindo). Rather, we consecrate that familiarity toward higher potentials. ...
In doing that we do not lose touch with the ordinary, the daily, the commonplace, "the simple world of kind familiar things" (Sri Aurobindo). Rather, we consecrate that familiarity toward higher potentials. ...
Between the 1950-1951 edition and 1954 ed. - there were no changes, only one line was deleted, and 157 minor corrections - which were in terms of final proof readings, done by the Mother with the assistance of Nolini, Amal, Nirod and other press people.
WeBuildAur: BUILDAUR studio; work in progress@SWAYAM ago by BuildAur
“None was apart, None lived for himself alone, Each lived for God in him and God in all, Each soleness inexpressibly held the whole. There Oneness was not tied to monotone; It showed a thousand aspects of itself…” Sri Aurobindo ...
“None was apart, None lived for himself alone, Each lived for God in him and God in all, Each soleness inexpressibly held the whole. There Oneness was not tied to monotone; It showed a thousand aspects of itself…” Sri Aurobindo ...
Sri Aurobindo Quotes by Andrew Crichton
Evolution is not finished; reason is not the last word nor the reasoning animal the supreme figure of Nature. As man emerged out of the animal, so out of man.
Evolution is not finished; reason is not the last word nor the reasoning animal the supreme figure of Nature. As man emerged out of the animal, so out of man.
THE URGENCY - THE PROBLEM OF LIFE A blog post by Harriet Mendonca was featured
Either man must fulfill himself by satisfying the Divine within him or he must produce out of himself a new and greater being who will be more capable of satisfying it. He must either himself become a divine humanity or give place to Superman. SRI…
Gopal commented on Barindranath Chaki's blog post 'The New Race 1'
barin da and kalpana di.. thanks a lot for the further explanations....i feel i am with RIGHT people here. :) yes...what i or most people "know" about the Psychic now is nothing but a mental construction. or a kind of information. but is this a s…
Gopal replied to Jordi Valero's discussion 'Your own Path'
you are perfectly right! infact only The Mother and Sri Aurobindo - as i believe - are the only so far in the history of world's philosophy to have done this. reast all have been busy with the denail of the rest and propogating the own views. this…
Gopal replied to kalpana's discussion 'What does your soul rejoice in?'
thanks di for accepting my comments here so gracefully :) i always find a sort of inexpressibel joy when i work in my profession. endless challenges everyday and each problem solved is like a battle won for Her and still there is lot to do. and we… from ASPIRATION - Aspiration is a call to the Divine. — The Mother
Mirror of Tomorrow :: Aswapati's Yoga-Tapasya: He became vast by ... by RY Deshpande
About Aswapati's Yoga comprising of the three parts, Sri Aurobindo explains it in a letter as follows: ...First, he is achieving his own spiritual self-fulfilment as the individual and this is described as the Yoga of the King. ...
About Aswapati's Yoga comprising of the three parts, Sri Aurobindo explains it in a letter as follows: ...First, he is achieving his own spiritual self-fulfilment as the individual and this is described as the Yoga of the King. ...
The sharp response to PH's book is only to his repeated denigration of Sri Aurobindo while being part of the Ashram community. The response is sharper than ...
Savitri Era Open Forum: Heehs & Banerji are trying to redefine ...
As a matter of fact, it is PH and people like DB who are trying to redefine Integral Yoga to suit their intellectual preferences and other tendencies. What is worse is to quote from Sri Aurobindo's writings to justify their point of ...
As a matter of fact, it is PH and people like DB who are trying to redefine Integral Yoga to suit their intellectual preferences and other tendencies. What is worse is to quote from Sri Aurobindo's writings to justify their point of ...
On this topic, Sri Aurobindo said, "Only by an extension of the field of our consciousness or an unhoped-for increase in our instruments of knowledge can the ancient quarrel be decided."[1] In the absence of such an advance on either ...
The sharp response to PH's book is only to his repeated denigration of Sri Aurobindo while being part of the Ashram community. The response is sharper than before because of a cumulative effect and because he denounces other approaches ...
The Religion that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother did not want is the traditional kind – mechanical outer rituals, the proclamation that ours is the only or the best path etc. But devotion, surrender, faith, obedience are the very ...
Based on the life of Sri Aurobindo, the book extracts richly from books, letters, reports, records, biographies, archival photographs and unpublished ...
The Science of Enlightenment: A New Model for Enlightenment and New Perspectives on the One Reality from ~C4Chaos
Previously, I have transcribed some of my favorite tracks of The Science of Enlightenment series by my teacher Shinzen Young. Those tracks were about the “esoteric” side of Buddhist practice.
Events Calendar Coming Events Aspiration Savitri: the Light of the Supreme Mirror of Tomorrow SCIY Recent Comments IYF SAOW Saaba A critique of the book by Peter Heehs Events - University of Human Unity Inputs may be mailed to
Monday, 29 Mar
Ashtanga yoga daily class ::: Harmony (Auromodele/Petite Ferme) ::: Mon ::: 8:00 AM
GYROKINESIS® (Dynamic Yoga) Classes with Dodo ::: Quiet Healing Centre ::: Mon ::: 8:30 AM
L’avenir Exhibition Open – Galaxy Plan Evolution, Roger’s work & Planning ::: Town Hall ::: Mon ::: 9:00 AM
Sivananda Yoga – with Shambo at Verite ::: Verite Hall ::: Mon ::: 6:45 AM
Sri Aurobindo’s contributions toward a global spiritual culture - A National Seminar ::: SACAR, Puducherry ::: Mon ::: 9:00 AM
Music Festival on 26th, 27th and 28th March 2010 ::: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Theater, Pondicherry [Corner of South blvd and Rue Suffren] ::: Mon ::: 6:30 PM
Tuesday, 30 Mar
Ashtanga yoga daily class ::: Harmony (Auromodele/Petite Ferme) ::: Tue ::: 8:00 AM
L’avenir Exhibition Open – Galaxy Plan Evolution, Roger’s work & Planning ::: Town Hall ::: Tue ::: 9:00 AM
Music Festival on 26th, 27th and 28th March 2010 ::: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Theater, Pondicherry [Corner of South blvd and Rue Suffren] ::: Tue ::: 6:30 PM
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