Yes, the Gita is a perfect example. Its expressions of deep spiritual truths still resonate deeply thousands of years later – one measure of its greatness. However it does not expound on the truth of the progressive manifestation of spirit and consciousness through time in progressively more complex physical forms on earth – the concept of spiritual evolution so central for Sri Aurobindo and Mother. Could it be that the expression of the idea of evolution by Darwin , that had such a global impact on human thought in the latter half of the 19th century, has absolutely nothing to do with why it is central to Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine
but is not in the Gita? It has always been a spiritual truth, but its expression in human thought and language has a certain contingency on the state of development of that thought and language.
Dr. S.Ramakrishnan commented on Barindranath Chaki's blog post 'The New Race'
The "Tags" read like a lightning streak and the article, a stream of refreshing brook! from ASPIRATION - Aspiration is a call to the Divine. — The Mother
kalpana added a discussion What does your soul rejoice in?
''The Mayavadin talks of my Personal God as a dream and prefers to dream of Impersonal Being; the Buddhist puts that aside too as a fiction and prefers to dream of Nirvana and the bliss of nothingness. Thus all the dreamers are busy reviling each ot… from ASPIRATION - Aspiration is a call to the Divine. — The Mother
Savitri: the Light of the Supreme :: 05: Aswapati's Yoga-Tapasya ... By RY Deshpande
Moreover, when Sri Aurobindo read this prayer in Prayers and Meditations, he told me it was very strong. So I added this phrase as a kind of tail to my japa. But 'Glory to You, O Lord' isn't my spontaneous mantra—it came spontaneously, ...
Moreover, when Sri Aurobindo read this prayer in Prayers and Meditations, he told me it was very strong. So I added this phrase as a kind of tail to my japa. But 'Glory to You, O Lord' isn't my spontaneous mantra—it came spontaneously, ...
India - Auroville - 2010: Various random thoughts By Peter Choate
During this walk, I refelcted upon the myriad of experiences that we have had in Auroville. I remain impressed with the individual persistence that many have here to make a positive impact upon the world thruogh their actions and ...
During this walk, I refelcted upon the myriad of experiences that we have had in Auroville. I remain impressed with the individual persistence that many have here to make a positive impact upon the world thruogh their actions and ...
Truth Seeking: The Countdown V - The Latest Years (Minus a Few) By Stan
The closest I was able to come to any sense of compatability in my search was a community in India, called Auroville; and in point of fact had recently joined the East-West Society in L.A. to look into it further. ...
The closest I was able to come to any sense of compatability in my search was a community in India, called Auroville; and in point of fact had recently joined the East-West Society in L.A. to look into it further. ...
Deb's Auroville Blog By debhm
One of the marvels of life in Auroville is the acceptance of difference, be it racial, ethnic, religious or age… Once again it struck me how difficult a bargain Auroville offers to its residents with its system of volunteerism....
One of the marvels of life in Auroville is the acceptance of difference, be it racial, ethnic, religious or age… Once again it struck me how difficult a bargain Auroville offers to its residents with its system of volunteerism....
Indians take a bit from all religions. To most Hindus, Jesus is another god in the company of Siva, Krishnu and the others. Though the Europeans were able to proselytize and believed they had achieved conversion, the truer story is that most Indians, especially in Tamil Nadu and some other states, remained Hindu and gladly expanded their pantheon of gods to whom they worshipped. They do not see any sacrilege in this, just enhancement.
Marketime: One of the marvels of life in Auroville is the ...
One of the marvels of life in Auroville is the acceptance of difference, be it racial, ethnic, religious or age… Once again it struck me how difficult a bargain Auroville offers to its residents with its system of volunteerism. ...
One of the marvels of life in Auroville is the acceptance of difference, be it racial, ethnic, religious or age… Once again it struck me how difficult a bargain Auroville offers to its residents with its system of volunteerism. ...
Marketime: American “democracy” is an utter perversion
It engages in that exercise of elucidation by interpreting a few of the key texts by Aurobindo Ghose on the relationship between ethics and politics in the first two decades of the twentieth century. Both secularist and subalternist . ...
It engages in that exercise of elucidation by interpreting a few of the key texts by Aurobindo Ghose on the relationship between ethics and politics in the first two decades of the twentieth century. Both secularist and subalternist . ...
[Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.] Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum. [SELF posits a model of counselling and communicative ...
Savitri Era Learning Forum: Millions of facts which in their ...
And when they do talk about the mystery, it is not in the manner of (k)-->O (or at least it shouldn't be). Rather, the direction is reversed, and it is O-->(n).
And when they do talk about the mystery, it is not in the manner of (k)-->O (or at least it shouldn't be). Rather, the direction is reversed, and it is O-->(n).
Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother. ... Sri Aurobindo: A Contemporary Reader Edited by Sachida
To get at the essence of what the overmental process is, in comparison to the mental process, it may be useful to compare specific ways of addressing or understanding issues and looking at how they vary between the two standpoints.
Even in the spiritual field, as Sri Aurobindo knew well and discussed brilliantly, progress for humanity is attended by interminable back-dragging or covert ...
I Should Have Known This Earlier « Yes and no by buttersisonlymyname
Yet sometimes when we insist, He gives us poison to drink that we may learn to turn from it and taste with knowledge His ambrosia & His nectar.” — Sri Aurobindo. This is very true. And it explains what's been happening lately. ...
Yet sometimes when we insist, He gives us poison to drink that we may learn to turn from it and taste with knowledge His ambrosia & His nectar.” — Sri Aurobindo. This is very true. And it explains what's been happening lately. ...
P.C.Hota: The Hidden Forces by pc hota
Watched by a still all-seeing Eye above. A prescient architect of Fate and Chance Who builds our lives on a foreseen design. The meaning knows and consequence of each step. And watches the inferior stumbling power. Sri Aurobindo ...
Watched by a still all-seeing Eye above. A prescient architect of Fate and Chance Who builds our lives on a foreseen design. The meaning knows and consequence of each step. And watches the inferior stumbling power. Sri Aurobindo ...
buddhacious: Integral Spirituality by 0thouartthat0
29, The Life Divine by Sri Aurobindo). This, I think, is exactly what an integral spirituality should embody. Integralism has nothing to do with correctly formulating the logical or linguistic consequences of its application to philosophy and science, though such endeavors may indeed be fruitful. Integral spirituality has a tremendous variety of applications, and I don’t mean to negate the deep thinkers who attempt to translate their experiential realizations into textual argument. This kind of work can lead to tremendous advances in our understanding of thought and discourse.
29, The Life Divine by Sri Aurobindo). This, I think, is exactly what an integral spirituality should embody. Integralism has nothing to do with correctly formulating the logical or linguistic consequences of its application to philosophy and science, though such endeavors may indeed be fruitful. Integral spirituality has a tremendous variety of applications, and I don’t mean to negate the deep thinkers who attempt to translate their experiential realizations into textual argument. This kind of work can lead to tremendous advances in our understanding of thought and discourse.
On the Matter of Life: Towards an Integral Biology of Economics By Matthew Segall
But Aurobindo is not wrong when he writes that “the natural opposition we make between death and life is an error of our mentality” (p. 176, ibid.). He urges us to become aware of a more integral life, which
“is nothing else than the Force that builds and maintains and destroys the forms in the world…that manifests itself in the form of earth as much as in the plant that grows upon the earth and the animals that support their existence by devouring the life-force of the plants or of each other” (p. 177, ibid.).
Death is a part of life’s dynamic wholeness, a life present “everywhere, secret or manifest, organized or elemental, involved or evolved, but universal, all-pervading, imperishable; only its forms and organizings differ” (p. 179, ibid.).
The fifth article focuses on four short poems of Sri Aurobindo, "The Tiger and the Deer", "A Child's Imagination", "transformation" and "Nirvana" that mark ...
Colours of life Calcutta Telegraph
Till March 20 at Weavers Studio Centre for the Arts,94 Ballygunge Place, #2461 3145 ; 10 am - 7 pm : Southern Fire, a group show of by Auroville potters.
Till March 20 at Weavers Studio Centre for the Arts,
Monday, 15 Mar
Ashtanga yoga daily class ::: Harmony (Auromodele/Petite Ferme) ::: Mon ::: 8:00 AM
GYROKINESIS® (Dynamic Yoga) Classes with Dodo ::: Quiet Healing Centre ::: Mon ::: 8:30 AM

Photo-Graphic Exhibition "La Forêt Enchantée" ::: Pitanga ::: Mon ::: 8:00 AM
Tuesday, 16 Mar
Ashtanga yoga daily class ::: Harmony (Auromodele/Petite Ferme) ::: Tue ::: 8:00 AM

Photo-Graphic Exhibition "La Forêt Enchantée" ::: Pitanga ::: Tue ::: 8:00 AM
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